- gamma gamma cascade γ-γ级联
- gamma gamma coincidence pulse counting assembly 符合脉冲计数装置
- The water formed a cascade down the mountain. 水沿山泻下,形成一条瀑布。
- gamma cascade γ级联
- Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls. 她的一头卷发一直披到双肩上。
- When it rained, water would cascade down the window. 下雨的时候,雨水像瀑布一样沿着窗沿泻下。
- The fireworks went off in a cascade of colour. 烟火散开来象一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。
- The firework went off in a cascade of colour. 烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。
- What features does whole-body gamma treatment have? 体部伽玛刀的治疗特点?
- What features dose whole-body gamma treatment have? 体部伽玛刀的治疗特点有哪些?
- A cascade of blood spouted from the hole. 伤口不断冒血。
- Sets the gamma value for a specified category. 为指定类别设置伽玛值。
- Sets the gamma value for the default category. 为默认类别设置伽玛值。
- Her long hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls. 她长长的卷发像瀑布一样披泻在肩上。
- Disables gamma correction for a specified category. 为指定类别禁用灰度校正。
- Disables gamma correction for the default category. 为默认类别禁用灰度校正。
- A steep descent of water from a height; a cascade. 瀑布水从一定高度上陡然而下;瀑布
- Is the gamma knife a matured therapeutic method? 头部伽玛刀是成熟的治疗方式吗?
- The cascade falls over a tall cliff. 瀑布从高高的悬崖上倾泻下来。
- Awarded membership in Pi Gamma Mu, UCLA. 社会科学荣誉社团榜人。