- gallons per month 加仑/月
- Consumption is the total amount of fuel consumed expressed in gallons per hour. 消耗量就是以每小时加仑表示的所耗费的燃料总数。
- I should think so. This plant can turn out5,000 units per month. 我想可以。该工厂月生产能力为5,000台。
- This country produces about 50 million barrels of oil per month. 该国每月产油五千万桶。
- Toilets made before 1993 use 3.5 to 8 gallons per flush (gpf). 公厕1993年前使用3.;5至8加仑的冲水(全球政策论坛)。
- His salary was raised to $1 500 per month. 他的薪金增加到每月1 500美元。
- Do you all make man wipe the window in per month? 你每月都叫人擦窗户吗?
- Yes,I pay monthly. It's two hundred Yuan per month. 是的,我按月付钱,每月200元。
- Water flow through the media should be between 50 and 100 gallons per hour. 意思是通过该介质的水流应该在每小时50到100加仑。
- How much can a salesman expect per month? 销售人员每月有多少收入?
- Electricity and water cost us 90 yuan per month. 我们每月水电费共计90元。
- How much salary do you expect per month? 你希望每月得到多少薪水?
- How much salary do you expect to get per month? 你希望的月薪是多少?
- I see her a few times per month. 我每月见到她几次。
- Electricity and water cost us6.20 yuan per month. 水电每月6块两角。
- This factory ships 5, 000 units of VCR per month. 这工厂每月能出5000台录像机。
- Showerheads currently manufactured in the US have a flow-rate of 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm) or less. 目前生产的淋浴喷头在美国有一个流量的2.;5加仑每分钟(界面)或更少。
- You will be paid once per month with no minimum !. 你将每月得到一次支付,没有最小支付额。
- The new equipment lasts for 25 years, and the refinery's total production of RFG will be 900 million gallons per year. 新的设备可以维持25年,炼油厂的RFG的总产量将为每年9亿加仑。
- What salary do you expect per month? 你希望每月有多少薪水?