- A bladder, especially the urinary bladder or the gallbladder. 膀胱,泡,囊膀胱,尤指泌尿器官的膀胱或胆囊
- Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. 很明显,他们并不在胆囊里。
- Her face was contorted with pain due to the gallbladder stones. 胆结石使她痛得脸都变了样。
- Fruit clavate, c. 1.5 cm long, 0.4 cm wide. 果棒状,长约1.;5厘米,宽0
- He hung a gallbladder in his room. 房间里挂着一颗苦胆。
- This is a dramatic case of CM infection. 这是一个引人注目的CM感染病例。
- Capsule globose, 3 cm in diameter, 3-4-locular. 蒴果球形,直径3厘米,3-4室。
- Capsule ovoid, woody, 1.5 cm long. 蒴果卵圆形,木质,长1.;5厘米。
- Capsules oblong, ca. 1.4 cm, pilose. 蒴果长圆形,长约1.;4厘米,被长柔毛。
- None of them had a history of gallbladder disease. 他们中没有人有胆结石病历。
- In the 156 patients, 121 cases (75. 6% )had gallbladder mural thickening more than 0. 4 cm, 35 cases (21. 9% ) had the mural thickening less than 0. 4cm but rought or uneven. 在胆囊壁改变中胆囊壁增原大于0.;4cm者121例占75
- The beam has a thickness of4 cm. 光束粗四厘米。
- All lines are not more than 12 cm (5 ins) wide. 所有的线条宽度不能超过12厘米(5英寸)。
- The people with polypus of gallbladder for 2.22%. 胆囊息肉的检出率为2.;22%25;
- After gallbladder is excised, still feel painful! 胆囊摘除后,还觉得痛!
- Children below 120 cm need not pay fare. 120公分以下的小孩不必买票。
- Cut the elastic, leaving a 2.5 cm (1 inch) tail. 留2.;5cm余量剪断松紧带。
- It is 34.5 cm high and 41 cm long. 这件古代青铜作品,高34.;5厘米,长41厘米。
- Stem slender, simple, reddish,5-6 cm high. 茎纤细,单一,带红色,高5-6厘米。
- Each second it moves about 27 cm. 每秒钟要走动约27厘米.