- So,2% avermectin EC with 150-200 g ai/hm2 could be used for rotating 10% ethoprobos FG to control rice gall midge in production. 建议生产上以150-200gai/hm22%25阿维菌素乳油作为防治水稻稻瘿蚊的有效药剂轮换使用。
- A new gall midge pest damaging mango leaves 一种新的危害芒果树叶的瘿蚊害虫
- Any of various small insects, such as the gall midge or gall wasp, that deposit their eggs on plant stems or in the bark of trees, causing the formation of galls in which their larvae grow. 瘿蝇一种小昆虫,例如瘿蚊或瘿蜂,他们把卵产在植物的茎内或树皮内,幼虫在里面生长并产生虫瘿
- Preliminary Study on Harmfulness of Gall Midge in Chinese Fir Cone 杉木球果瘿蚊危害性之初步研究
- A scale-eating galle midge (Lestodiplosis pentagona Jiang ,nov. sp. ) was tound for the first time in Sichnan province. 对桑盾蚧盗瘿蚊(Lestodiplosis pentagona Jiang nov.;sp
- Effect of 2% avermectin EC on controlling rice gall midge in field 2%25阿维菌素乳油防治水稻稻瘿蚊田间药效试验
- Asian rice gall midge (GM) or Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason 稻瘿蚊
- The new advances on the resistant breeding against rice gall midge in china 我国抗稻瘿蚊育种研究的新进展
- Willow Twig Gall Midge Occurrence, Biological Behavior and its Control 杞柳瘿蚊的发生与防治
- Analysis on the spread of rice gall midge to the north of Jiangxi and Fujian 闽赣两省稻瘿蚊北扩的几点思考
- Monitoring on the biotypes of the rice gall midge in Guangxi and the evaluation and application of resistant resources 广西稻瘿蚊生物型测定及抗源评价利用
- Effects of frequency-vibrancy pest-killing lamp on rice gall midge control in late cropping rice culture 晚稻使用频振式杀虫灯防治稻瘿蚊试验
- Relationships between the resistance of rice varieties to rice gall midge and their major agronomic traits 水稻品种抗稻瘿蚊与主要农艺性状的关系
- Profile of enzymic activity in overwintering mature larvae of the pine needle gall midge, Thecodiplosis japonensis 松针瘿蚊越冬幼虫体内酶活性的时序变化
- He had the gall to sue for damages. 他居然有脸要求赔偿。
- Of all the gall! ie What impudence! 脸皮真厚!
- Breeding and resistance analysis of restorer line Shuangkangmingzhan resisting to rice blast and rice gall midge 抗稻瘿蚊和稻瘟病恢复系双抗明占的选育及抗性分析
- Try on the forecast of occurrence stage of Rice gall midge with the method of duality linear regression analysis 二元线性回归分析在稻瘿蚊发生期预测上的试用
- Analysis on affection factor and review of the occurrence and damage of rice gall midge for eight years in Fuzhou 抚州市稻瘿蚊八年来发生危害回顾及影响因素分析
- Your words must be gall and wormwood to him. 你的话在他听来一定逆耳。