- We study science to gain insight into natural laws. 我们学习科学,是要对自然法则有进一步的了解。
- We study science to gain insight into the world we live in. 我们学习科学以获得透视我们所生活的世界的洞察力。
- Staff gain insight into how things work and how things go wrong. 职员可以了解事物运作以及如何会出错(出错的缘由)。
- Then it establishes a progressive order, using the factors first acquired as means of gaining insight into what is more complicated. 然后建立一个循序渐进的秩序,利用先学会的因素作为领会比较复杂的因素的手段。
- Monitoring the sky for these objects helps scientists to gain insight into how binary systems evolve. 对太空中这些物体的观察有助于科学家洞察双于星系统的演化。
- Thus, I hope that Americans will understand our culture better and gain insight into its current malaise and possible future course. 因此,我盼望美国读者可以藉由本书对我们的文化有更深的认识,并能洞察当今美国文化的毛病,及未来可能出现的课题。
- The magnetometer will study the magnetic properties of Mars to gain insight into the interior of the planet. 地磁仪研究火星的磁场特性,以了解该星体的内部结构。
- Gain insight into your players to devise the right strategies to advance through each round. 仔细观察你的球员来设计出正确的战术来晋级下一轮。
- One of Leakey's interests was to study wild chimpanzees to gain insight into the evolutionary past of humans. 利基的一个爱好就是研究野生黑猩猩,以便能够理解人类的进化过程。
- The SMO also provides the expert analysis and reporting that you need to gain insight into your IT service performance and costs. SMO还提供专业分析和报告,你需要这些信息来洞悉IT服务表现和成本。
- Mission: CEIBS Ambassador Program is designed to help prospective applicants gain insight into the CEIBS experience - from the students perspective. 申请人可获得以下帮助:与学生大使交流在中欧的学习及生活感受。
- The goal of the exercise, on some level, was to gain insight into how scouts operate. I learned a lot about that, and not entirely in the manner I expected. 这个实验的目的,在某个程度上,是为了看看球探们观察球员的运作流程是怎样的。我学到很多东西,虽然不完全像我想象中那样子。
- I wish you could here the wind seemed to gain insights, very happy! 风似感悟祝大家在这里能有所收获,开开心心!
- It is an obligatory step that does not arise from revenge, rancour or other lower emotions, but from the rational necessity to make mankind gain insight. 这是一个强制性的步骤,不产生报复,怨恨或其他低的情感,但是从理性的必要性,使人类了解。
- Optical physicists manipulate light to produce ultrashort laser pulses and then study these pulses to gain insight into the fundamental properties of light. 光学物理学家操纵光来产生超短激光脉冲,然后研究这些脉冲争取进入光的基本性质的认识。
- By contacting schools' career centers, business owners can gain insight into students' schedules and the amount of time they can reasonably devote to an internship. 通过联系学校的就业中心,企业主可以了解学生们的时间安排,以及他们可以用在实习岗位上的时间。
- Only by asking questions, observing firsthand, and being realistic will you gain insight into the genetics of the line of Pembrokes you are considering. 唯有藉由多问问题,直接的观察并且确实的探查犬只内在的遗传资讯,才能尽量避免可能发生的问题!
- The Club's monthly dinner/speaker events provide a uniquely informal and welcoming atmosphere in which to network and to gain insight into the changing face of Chir . 筷子俱乐部每月组织一次的聚餐-演说活动给大家提供了一个特别随意和热情的气氛,在这样的环境里相互交流,建立联系,获取有关正在变化中的中国情况。
- First of all, the ERT forward model with mosaic arrangement was used to simulate the complex geology of the colluvium to gain insight on the resolution of the inverted ERT. 本研究首先利用马赛克数值模形来模拟崩积层复杂地质型态,以对地电阻法量测解析度进行数值分析探讨;