- The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit. 贪心不足的老板为获取利润而无所不为。
- How to gain profit in this business? 如何在这一行业盈利?
- The greedy madam stopped at nothing to gain profit. 贪婪的老鸨为了攫取利润无所不为。
- The company promised not to exploit employees to gain profit. 这家公司承诺不会为了盈利,损害员工利益。
- In the highway construction market, all the construction enterprises hope to win the bid and gain profit & reputation. 在公路建设市场中,投标的施工企业都期望中标并获得利润和信誉。
- If produce greengage vinegar 1000 tons one year, the sales income could reach 2 0 million, and gain profit 12 million. 以年产青梅调味香醋1000吨计,新增产值达2000万元,创利润1200万元。
- "Cheater " the stimulative plan that takes American government unexpectedly will gain profit, this fun leaves big. “骗子”居然拿美国政府的刺激方案来获利,这个玩笑就开大了。
- Sabah has their own papers, has their own supermarket, dun ever come in to gain profit for West Msia at our expenses. 沙巴有自己的报纸,有自己的超市,不需要假好心进来沙巴盗取沙巴的油脂再换取西马的利益!
- This requires construction companies to enforce their cost control, lower the cost, and gain profit from management and try to maximize their profit. 这就要求各施工企业加强自身的成本控制,降低成本,向管理要效益,争取利润的最大化。
- Same, if negotiant is not taken,go out gain profit the proof of income, as much according to trade of sum 3% undertake levy. 同样,如果交易者拿不出获利收入的证明,也同样按照交易全额的3%25进行征税。
- Report from our correspondent is forged trade phonily website, the user name of account of diddle the other side, password, gain profit via resell equipment. 本报讯 伪造虚假交易网站,骗取对方账户的用户名、密码,并经转卖装备获利。
- Mentioned two successes because of 17 edition " rice farming " delegate, let a person very easily generate investment " corn " the sense with gain profit facile. 因为17版提到了两名成功的“米农”代表,很容易让人产生投资“玉米”获利容易的感觉。
- If did not suit market demand, be saleable the product of satisfy the need, the existence of the enterprise lost necessity, more do not talk to go up to develop and gain profit. 假如没有适合市场需求、适销对路的产品,企业的存在就失去了必要性,就更谈不上发展和获利了。
- But because pattern of traditional media business is relatively onefold, gain profit through advertisement commonly, after getting income through advertisement, a news is put to the market. 但是由于传统媒体商业模式较为单一,一般通过广告获利,通过广告获取收益之后,一篇新闻就放到了市场上。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- The net cleaning out treasure 2005 has appeared a few cases the law case of bilk, one sells game to nod calorie of wholesale user, cheated 7, 8 users gain profit hundred thousands of yuan. 2005年的淘宝网出现过几起诈骗的案子,一个卖游戏点卡批发的用户,骗了7、8个用户获利几十万元。
- Machine many kilograms 400 everyday, half an year gains profit 7200 yuan, for place sale horsebean finds a new way. 每天加工400多公斤,半年获利7200元,为当地销售蚕豆找到一条新门路。
- High-quality goods and high-rank service enaBle them to gain profits from all sides. 优质商品和优质服务,使他们财源滚滚。
- I did profit by the advice they gave me. 他们给我提的意见的确对我有很大好处。
- The shop expect to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能赚点钱。