- Our factory director hinged his action on future sales. 我们的厂长以将来销售量为他行动的准绳。
- A smooth first deal always helps the future sales. 第一笔交易顺利的话,将来一定会卖得更旺。
- Sales managers make estimates of future sales. 负责销售的经理,需要对未来的销售量进行估计。
- MRP is carried out using current and future sales figures. MRP通过当前和未来的销售数据来执行的。
- This course is mandated to train future sales manager. 本课程的任务是培养未来的销售经理。
- Contact prospective customers and build positive relationships that will generate future sales and repeat business. 接触潜在客户,建立良好关系,为将来的销售或再次购买打下基础。
- In our example, the Sales by Product Category report will predict the future sales data by the method of data extrapolating. 在我们的示例中,Sales by Product Category报表将通过数据外推方法来预测未来的销售数据。
- Block patterns are jealously guarded by each individual company as to a large extent their future sales depend on the it and shape that they provide. 服装样板被每一家公司小心地保管着,因为他们今后的销售在很大程度上是依靠样板提供的款式。
- An accurate and complete address is needed for credit and billing and for the development of mailing lists for future sales promotions. 为赊购、付账,以及为今后促销产品而建立邮寄清单,都需要顾客提供准确、完整的地址。
- Order backlog -- a key indicator of future sales growth -- at the Reebok brand slumped 8 pct at the end of 2007, adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations. 订单的积压问题也成为阻挠锐步未来增长的重要因素之一。2007年末,因为汇率浮动,锐步销售额整体下降8%25。
- But if GM's projections are to be believed, what looks to have been a wave of growth in recent years is a mere ripple compared with future sales in China. 如果通用汽车的预言真能实现,那么,它这几年来一浪高过一浪的增长,同在中国未来的销售相比,也不过是小池涟漪而已。
- Such documents may describe the subject matter of a deal, lockup counterparties and outline the material rights and obligations of each party in the future sales and purchase of CERs. 这类文件将描述交易的实质内容,锁定对手并列出双方在将来对CER的买卖中最核心的权利和义务;
- Arbitrageurs could buy the high-interest currency today, lock in a future sale at the same price and pocket the extra interest from holding the currency until the forward contract is settled. 套利者可以在今天购买高利率的货币,并以相同的价格在未来锁定售出价格,然后在远期合同到期前从持有的货币中赚得额外的利息。
- However, we'd prefer to see these business card printing and membership card making businesses to based on objective facts and definite standards to predict your future sales targets. 但是,我们还是希望这些制卡和会员卡制作企业能够根据客观事实和一定的标准来预测自己将来的销售目标。
- Baosteel to snatch the biggest domestic customer, in addition to the focus of Haitong Futures Sales embattle large cypress, but also set up a steel business. 为抢夺宝钢这个国内最大的客户,海通期货除重点布阵大柏树营业部外,还在内部成立了钢材事业部。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
- Gave a ballpark estimate of future unit sales. 对未来的单位销售法做出几近正确的估计
- Do you really care nothing about your future? 你真的一点也不关心你的将来?
- She seems quite clear about her future curricula. 她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。