- And she could never allay confusion about the future role of her husband. 还有就是,她从来没有消除大家对克林顿未来角色的疑虑。
- Mr.Steinbruck later tempered his remarks about the future role of the U.S. 施坦布吕克晚些时候淡化了有关美国未来作用的言论。
- Perhaps the future role of the sedimentary petrologist will be as an interpreter and an arbiter of cases too complex for the machine to decide unaided. 沉积岩石学家将来的作用也许是作为机械不能独立解决复杂情况的解释者和仲裁者。
- The results of ongoing randomized trials will define the future role of CAS in low-risk patients. 正在进行的随机试验结果将确定未来CAS在低风险患者的作用。
- Discussing the future role of the Hong Kong dollar following the recent introduction of personal renminbi business by banks in Hong Kong. 讨论香港银行近期推出的个人人民币业务,对港元未来的角色的影响。
- Further research in the history of Confucianism, as well as present and the future role and scholars today should effort to encourage each direction. 进而研究儒教在历史上以及现在与未来之作用和今日学者应自勉努力的方向。
- China's entry into the WTO is about more than trade; it is about China's future role in the world economy and about the future direction of the global economic development. 中国加入世贸组织的意义不仅在于贸易方面,而且关系到中国将来在世界经济中所起的作用以及全球经济未来的发展方向。
- China's entry into the WTO is about more than trade, it is aboutChina's future role in the world economy and about the futuredirection of the global economic development. 中国加入世界贸易组织的意义不仅在于贸易方面,而且关系到中国将来在世界经济中所起的作用以及全球经济未来的发展方向。
- They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation's defense. 你们的职业要求你们在这个生死关头勇于献身,此外,别无所求。
- They build your basic character.They mold you for your future roles as the custodians of the nation's defense. 它们建立您的基本特性,它们塑造您将来成为国防卫士的角色;
- As excited as I am to look forward to future roles and playing a good guy maybe one day, I am revelling being the nasty guy for one last year. [ 就像我期待在未来演一个好人一样激动,我去年一整年都沉醉于德拉科这个坏角色。]
- prepare for a future role or function. 为了将来的角色或职责而准备。
- Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。
- The cod was salted away for future use. 鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。
- Do you really care nothing about your future? 你真的一点也不关心你的将来?
- She seems quite clear about her future curricula. 她对自己未来要学的课程看来很有把握。
- While you are very busy with sharpening your skills that are required to flawlessly execute on your current job, it is extremely important to carve out time to acquire the necessary skills required for your future roles. 而在你磨练当前岗位或角色技能的时候你可能更需要花时间来学习&锻炼你未来岗位或角色所需要用到的技能。
- A hopeless future seemed to spread out before her. 展现在她面前的似乎是毫无希望的前途。
- Everything points to a bright future for us all. 种种迹象表明我们都有光明的前途。
- I promise I'll keep it down in the future. 我保证今后一定把音量放低。