- funiculus ventralis medullae spinalis 脊髓前索
- funiculi ventralis [医] 前索
- funiculus ventralis 腹侧索
- Various part of brain substance was: medulla (pars ventralis), cortax(pars dorsalis), pia mater encephali. 脑内组织依次为:髓质(被盖部)、皮质(基底部)、软脑膜。
- Besides the ductus pancreaticus dorsalis and ventralis, there is the first ductus pancreaticus co. 除有背侧胰管和腹侧胰管外,均存在自背侧胰叶尾端发出的第1胰管。
- Results: The numerous NPY-like inmiunoreactive cells were localized in the nucleus vestibularis superious, nucleus cochlearis ventralis and nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis. 结果:在脑桥可见到前庭神经上核、耳蜗神经腹侧核及脑桥尾侧网状核NPY样免疫反应胞体。
- In the nucleus cochlearis ventralis, NPY-like immunoreactive cells were distributed evenly and were round or oval in shape and small, and had shorter processes. 耳蜗神经腹侧核内的NPY样胞体呈大小均匀分布,圆形且较小,突起不明显;
- One of the antidromic responses of these neurons to dorsal and dorsolateral funicular stimulation disappeared when dissection between the two funiculi reached the segments of C_(7)-T_(4). 这些神经元对刺激背索抑或背外侧索的逆向反应,在C_(7)-T_(4)节段的背索和背外侧索被分隔开时消失。
- Abstract Neurons in the lumbosacral dorsal horn were doubly activated by antidromic stimulation of both the ipsilateral dorsal and dorsolateral funiculi in the cervical spinal cord. 摘要 猫腰骶髓背角神经元对同侧颈髓背索和背外侧索的逆向刺激发生反应。
- Conclusions.Progressie kyphosis of the cerical spine resulted in demyelination of nere fibers in the funiculi and neuronal loss in the anterior horn due to chronic compression of the spinal cord. 结论:由于脊索慢性压迫致脊柱颈段的渐进性后凸可导致白索的神经纤维的脱髓鞘和前角细胞的神经失用。
- The results revealed that VIP ir neurons distributed mainly in the n. intercollicularis(ICo), area ventralis Tsai(AVT), substantia grisea centralis(GCT),n. tuberis(TU), stratum cellulare internum(SCI), n. 结果表明,VIP免疫反应细胞主要分布在中脑丘间核(ICo)的内侧和腹侧、中央灰质(GCt)、蔡氏腹区(AVT)、内细胞层(SCI)、结节核(TU)、下丘脑外侧核(LHy)、下丘脑前内侧核(AM)和前视前区(POA)。
- Rhinogobio ventralis ( Sauvage et Dabry) 长鳍吻鮈
- Rhinogobio ventralis (Savage et Dabry) 长鳍吻鮈
- Rhinogobio ventralis Sauvage et Dabry 长鳍吻鮈
- corpus geniculatum laterale, pars ventralis 外侧膝状体腹部
- nucleus ventralis posteromedialis thalami 腹后内侧核
- nucleus ventralis intermedius thalami 腹外侧核
- nucleus ventralis posterior thalami 腹后核
- nucleus ventralis thalami intermedius 丘脑中间腹侧核
- nucleus ventralis thalami posterior 丘脑后腹侧核