- Skeleton's periphery, is being buried as a funerary object the earthenware butt which the muntjac bone as well as destroys. 骸骨的周围,随葬着麂子骨以及打碎的陶器残片。
- As funerary objects, "Title deed" is a precious tombstone material. 摘要买地券作为一种随葬明器,是非常宝贵的碑刻材料。
- Many exquisite funerary objects were extracted from this grave. 这个古墓里出土了很多精美的随葬品。
- In is buried together the double coffin grave east side in the platform is one concrete small buries the skeleton, although scatters has the Spanish red but not to have the funerary object. 在同穴双棺墓东侧的平台上是一具体型较小的殉葬者尸骨,虽撒有朱砂但没有随葬品。
- With respect to function, jades of the Shang and Chou can be categorized into ritual, ornamental, and funerary objects. 商周玉器,以功能分,有礼器、佩饰器、丧葬器诸类。
- Funerary objects include potteries, harness, birch-bark ware, ornaments, and so on. 随葬品有陶器、马具、装饰品、桦树皮器等。
- specially made of funerary object 葬器
- M113 also contains a coffin plus a cof fin chamber to- gether with 144 pieces or sets of funerary objects made of bronze, pottery, jade or shell. M113亦为一椁一棺,主要随葬品有铜、陶、玉、蚌器共144件组。
- Unearthed over 30 pieces of cultural relics, Archaeological Finds in the crane pattern of copper mirrors, Tie-Suo, crystal top chain funerary objects and other valuables. 出土了三十多件文物,出土文物中有白鹤图纹铜镜、铁锁、水晶顶链等贵重随葬品。
- Probably, we are nothing but the counters of time consumption, living a life but to be the funerary objects of the time of life, and happiness does not occur to our mind at all. 也许我们只是时间消费的筹码,活了一世不过是为那一世的岁月充当殉葬品,根本不会想到快乐。
- This thesis reviews them within the whole burial system, covering the shapes of tombs, funerary objects, murals and the burial appliances such as the outer coffin, coffin bed, and epitaph. 本文将石墓门置于整个墓葬体系中,结合墓葬形制、随葬品、墓葬内壁画以及棺椁、棺床、墓志等葬具,对石墓门的区域特点、时代特征及所反映的历史、艺术、和文化背景作初步的分析和研究。
- The tomb is a typical Western Jin and its clear date,intact tomb structure,and abundance of funerary objects provide important materials for peri-odization of graves of the Western Jin. 刘宝墓是山东境内发现的典型的西晋墓葬,其纪年明确,墓室结构完整,随葬器物丰富,为研究西晋时期墓葬的分期断代提供了重要资料。
- When practicing the customs, Koreans painstakingly arranged the head direction of the dead, composition of the funerary objects, the design of the coffin, sad the program of the sacrifice. 在实践过程中,他们刻意追求置放亡者头颅的方向、附葬品的安排、墓椁的构筑和祭祀的周密布置等,极尽虔诚之意。
- On Funerary Objects in the Song Dynasty 浅析宋代丧葬明器
- He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。
- He was too shortsighted to focus on the object. 他由于近视过深而无法把视力焦点对准在该物体上。
- I object to our privacy being invaded. 我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。
- Many people object to experimentation on animals. 许多人反对用动物做实验。
- Relation of Tomb Decoration and Funerary Objects of Han Dynasties 汉代墓室建筑装饰与随葬品的关系