- What types of project will the fund support? 基金资助的项目种类?
- Loan Fund Support in New Countryside Construction: Obliging or Encouraging? 新农村建设的信贷资金支持:强制还是鼓励?
- The constant fund support finally worked in enhancing the education level of the area. 持续的资金赞助终于使那个地区的教育水平得到了提高。
- In 2002 Furanone series products are listed as new technology fund support item of middle and small size enterprise. 2002年初“呋喃酮系列香料产品”被列为国家中小企业技术创新基金扶持项目。
- For a good orbit between the incomes increases of farmers and the funds support agriculture from finance sections, it should form an inter-link mechanism or trench. 目前,农业信贷资金不足成为影响农民收入增长的一个非常重要的制约因素,这反过来又影响着农业信贷对农业的支持。
- How medium-sized enterprises obtain the fund support through direct financing which continues to develop, is a world question. 摘要中小企业如何通过直接融资获得持续发展的资金支持,是一个世界性的问题。
- A. Packaged grants will be designed jointly by the Foundation and SCRs. Rotarians interested in implementing these grants on the ground can apply to the Foundation for World Fund support. 包裹式奖助金将由扶轮基金会与策略合作关系SCR所共同规划的。扶轮社员在此情况下有意愿执行这些奖助金时可向扶轮基金会申请世界基金来支持。
- A.Packaged grants will be designed jointly by the Foundation and SCRs.Rotarians interested in implementing these grants on the ground can apply to the Foundation for World Fund support. A: 扶轮基金保管委员会选择策略合作关系组织机构是基于在所选择重点的范围内,它们协助扶轮社及地区执行计划的能力。
- The first project that this Fund supports is a Dental Implant Service for the elderly in Hong Kong. 首笔股息将会资助港大牙医学院的长者植计划。
- Organization is not receiving the funding support from SWD for self-help organizations of PWDs. 机构现时没有接受社署给予残疾人士自助组织的资助。
- Organization is receiving the funding support from SWD for self-help organizations of PWDs. 机构现时有接受社署给予残疾人士自助组织的资助。
- The FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund supported some 34 developing countries to attend the Codex Commission. 粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品法典信托基金为34个发展中国家出席食典委的会议提供资助。
- The $5 billion Innovation and Technology Fund supports projects that will help promote innovation and technology upgrading of the manufacturing and service industries. 政府注资50亿元成立创新及科技基金,为促使制造业和服务业创新和提升科技水平的项目提供资助。
- We have secured access to the Mainland market for our film industry under CEPA and will strengthen the function and application of existing funds supporting the film industry. 电影方面,我们通过CEPA为香港电影业打开内地市场,并会加强现有电影基金的功能和运用。
- City railroad developments are the key engineering of Beijing, (the company) devotion funds supported the native government city railroad dismantles in the relocation. 城市铁路建设是北京市重点工程,某公司投入资金支持政府铁路拆迁工作。为此,当地政府将某住宅项目交给该公司开发,以平衡该公司经费支出。
- Funding support was also available to help local software companies to enhance the quality of the service and to build up their capacity. 特区政府亦会继续透过资助计划去帮助本地软件公司,提升它们的服务质素及发展潜能。
- The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds. 那会计盗用了协会的基金。
- Canada Wood receives major funding support from both the federal government of Canada, the provincial governments of British Columbia and Quebec and Canadian forest industry. 加拿大木业协会主要由加拿大联邦政府、不列颠哥伦比业省政府、北克省政府和林产行业提供经费支持。
- Illegal and unjustifiable funds and charges. 不合法、不合理基金和收费项目。
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。