- The TICF also operates the Package Tour Accident Contingency Fund Scheme. 旅游业赔偿基金也营办旅行团意外紧急援助基金计划。
- Hon Audrey EU raised a question on the Funding Scheme for Workplace English Training. 余若薇议员就职业英语培训资助计划提出质询。
- Is a funding scheme to support applied research and development projects and technology ventures. 是一项由应用研究局推行的资助计划,目的在于向应用研究发展及技术开发项目提供资助。
- The other funding scheme, the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme, encourages more young people to serve the community through voluntary work. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的则在于鼓励年青人参与义务工作,服务社会。
- The other funding scheme,the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme,encourages more young people to serve the community through voluntary work. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的则在于鼓励年青人参与义务工作,服务社会。
- On the other hand,the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme would encourage more young people to serve the community through voluntary work. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的在鼓励年青人义务工作,服务社会。
- A major initiative during the year was the setting up of a $100 million funding scheme to help raise the standard and external competitiveness of professional services. 年内的主要工作之一,是成立了为数一亿元的资助计划,提高专业服务的水平和境外竞争力。
- On the other hand, the Youth Community Service Funding Scheme would encourage more young people to serve the community through voluntary work. 至于青年社区服务资助计划,目的在鼓励年青人义务工作,服务社会。
- Contributions to Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme or Recognized Occuptional Retirement Scheme. 强制性公积金计划或认可职业退休计划供款。
- Forty-two persons were arrested for an alleged bribery facilitated scam to deceive government subsidies under the Funding Scheme for Workplace English Training. 廉政公署拘捕四十二人,怀疑他们涉及贪污,并诈骗政府职业英语培训资助计划的资助。
- A business chamber had proposed a one-year freeze on contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund scheme. 有商会建议冻结强积金供款一年。
- New Zealand’s Superannuation Fund scheme could weigh on the NZ dollar for some time to come. 新西兰的超环基金规划在今后一段时间里将对新西兰元产生很大影响。
- Technical textiles have also been brought under the ambit of the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme, the minister said. 技术纺织部也在技术更新基金计划的管理范围之内,该部长表示。
- Are you aware that the Government has launched four SME Funding Schemes? 贵企业是否知道政府已推出四项中小企业资助计划?
- The scope of the Insolvency Fund Scheme and the claims and settlement procedures will largely be the same as those under the existing ECAS. 无力偿还债务基金计划的范围,以及申索和结算程序大体上会与现时的雇员补偿援助计划相同。
- Moreover, the interest rates needed to be fixed at four per cent for the stone industry, just like the Textile Upgradation Fund scheme (TUF). 此外他还认为石材利率应和纺织品升级基金方案一样,都定在4%25。
- The funding scheme for sponsoring study tours to the Mainland enables young people to cultivate a sense of belonging among themselves and enhances their understanding of the history and culture of China. 青年内地考察团资助计划旨在培育年青人对祖国的归属感,加深他们对祖国历史文化的认识。
- The funding scheme for sponsoring study tours to the Mainland would enable young people to cultivate a sense of belonging among themselves and to further enhance their understanding of the history and culture of China. 其中的青年内地考察团资助计划,可培育年青人对祖国的归属感,以及加深对祖国历史文化的认识。
- Growing acquaintance with bond investment among the public following the implementation of the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme has also helped stimulate investor demand in bonds. 此外,随强制性公积金计划推出后,公众对债券投资的认识日益加深,亦有助刺激投资者对债券的需求。
- In early 2001, the commission launched the Youth Leadership Training Funding Scheme to sponsor non-governmental organisations in organising leadership training programmes for youth. 二零零一年年初,委员会推出青年领袖培训资助计划,资助非政府机构筹办青年领袖培训活动。