- They seemed to be acting as incubators for fundamentalist ideas that favoured self-segregation by Muslims, and dreamt of Islamic governance and law. 它们似乎在充当符合自我隔离的穆斯林口味的原教旨主义,以及对伊斯兰统治与法律的幻想的孵化器。
- The fundamental ideas behind classes are data abstraction and encapsulation . 类背后蕴涵的基本思想是数据抽象和封装。
- He must do something to your mind, he must rearrange your fundamental ideas, he must massage your soul, and generally brush you off. 他要对你的心智有所建树,他要把你的基本思想重新整理一番,他要按摩你的灵魂,对你的周身进行大扫除。
- The construction is tentative and sketchy, but the fundamental ideas will be clear. 这个建构是粗略的和假设性的,但基础观念是清楚的。
- Like every other discipline, portfolio management is associated with a collection of fundamental ideas that provide a foundation for its exercise. 像其他所有规程,项目组合管理与为实践提供基础的基本思想的集合相关。
- These elements help in conveying fundamental ideas in paintings, and also in creating objects, which add to the charm of our home interiors. 这些要素可以在绘图中传达各种基本思想,也有助于利用造型来增加房屋内部的美。
- The thesis demonstrates the trait of modern personality and the feasibility of shaping it in the West regions, and propounds some fundamental ideas. 文章对现代人格的特征以及西部民族地区塑造现代人格的现实可行性进行了阐述,并提出了塑造现代人格的基本对策。
- Starting from the fundamental ideas of Relevance Theory and based on English-Chinese corpora,this paper explores the realization of optimal relevanc... 从关联理论的基本思想出发,基于英汉语料,探讨“最佳关联性”在广告语言中的实现,目的在于增强这一理论的认知解释力。
- One of the fundamental ideas of scientific thinking can be summed up in the phrase: "Correlation does not imply causation. 一个基本的科学观念可用如下习语总结为“相关性并不意味着原因。”
- This paper introduces the fundamental ideas,development steps and benefits of AOP(aspect-oriented programming),and gives a simple AOP sample based on Spring framework. 介绍了面向方面编程(Aspect-Oriented-Programming,AOP)的思想、开发步骤和优点,并且给出了一个基于Spring框架的具体AOP的实现。
- In the preamble of the papers explain the background of the study, reviewed the status of research, stated purpose of this study was significant and fundamental ideas. 论文的前言部分交代了研究问题的背景,回顾了相关研究状况,阐明了本研究的目的、意义和基本思路。
- He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas. 他恣意压制所有与他相左的意见。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- In accordance with the fundamental idea of Denton scheme,a time-maching finite volume program for calculating the three-dimensional flowin ports of IC engines has been developed. 本文根据Denton格式的基本思想,发展了一种计算内燃机气道内部流动的时间相关有限体积法程序。
- Our ideas jump together on this question. 在这个问题上我们意见一致。
- Drawing on the fundamental idea of electrical resonance, Tesla simultaneously pursued inventions in lighting, wireless communications and the wireless distribution of power. 从电路共振的基本观念出发,特士拉同时研究照明、无线通讯,以及无线电力传输的方式。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Don't engraft your ideas in other's mind. 不要把你的思想灌输到别人的脑子里。