- The fundamental question is a political one. 首要的问题是政治问题.
- We will soon confront a fundamental question . 我们很快就会面临一个十分重要的问题。
- We will soon confront a fundamental question. 我们很快就会面临一个十分重要的问题。
- The fundamental question of it has not been definitely answered by biology. 生物学尚未对它的根本问题做出明确回答。
- To take a fundamental question about vagrancy: Why do tramps exist at all? 提一个关于流浪的根本问题吧:究竟为何有流浪汉?
- If we don't understand this fundamental question,we shall not be clear about the nature of the incident. 不懂得这个根本问题,就是性质不清楚。
- Economists are learning more about a fundamental question: how often do prices change? 经济学家们正在深究物价波动频率这一基本问题?
- If we don't understand this fundamental question, we shall not be clear about the nature of the incident. 不懂得这个根本问题,就是性质不清楚。
- One must have first the mental (and perhaps, emotional) wherewithal to ask the fundamental question. 人们必须首先具备提出哲学基本问题的精神准备(或许还有感情上的)。
- Father Schall: The Holy Father posed the fundamental question that lies behind all the discussion about war and terror. 这本可以由政治家亮出,但事实上,他们即使需要也不去亮出。
- The question of law and interest is a fundamental question of jurisprudence and attracts more attention. 法与利益作为法理学中的一个重要命题而倍受关注。
- But those simple beliefs mask a much more fundamental question and a much more dramatic change. 但那些简单的信念掩饰了一个更加根本的问题和一个更戏剧性的变化。
- Above all, they would hope to study a fundamental question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? 最重要的是,它们希望研究一个基本的问题:人类实际上意识到他们所生活的世界了吗?
- Until recently, experts were grappling with an even more fundamental question about GRBs: what the heck are they? 直到最近,专家们才确定抓住了GRB爆发的根本问题:它们到底是什么?
- Baker's example raises fundamental question on how one should practice architecture in rural India . 贝克要解决的基本问题就是如何在印度乡村进行建造。
- Another fundamental question with regard to democratic centralism in the Party is that of collective leadership in Party organizations at all levels. 党的民主集中制的另一个基本问题,是各级党组织中的集体领导问题。
- What on the surface appeared a relatively minor issue in fact went to the heart of a fundamental question facing the Social Democrats. 那些在表面上看相对次要的问题实际上牵涉到社会民主党面临的根本问题。
- Above all, they would hope to study a fundamental question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in? So far the results are inconclusive. 总之,它们希望研究这样一个基础问题:人类真的了解他们所生活的世界么?到目前为止,答案还不确定。
- The reforms also touch upon the more fundamental question of trying to save viable businesses from premature liquidation. 改革也触及到更基本的问题:努力帮助还有希望的企业,使他们避免过早清偿。
- A fundamental question in biology is how the cell uses transcription factors (TFs) to coordinate the expression of thousands of genes in response to various stimuli. 生物学中的一个基础问题就是细胞如何根据不同的刺激,利用转录因子来协调成千上万个基因的表达。