- "This is fundamental physics," Bhattacharyya said. 班特查里亚说:“这是基础物理学问题。
- But it is in modern fundamental physics that we find the most subtle interplay between symmetry and asymmetry. 但是在现代基本物理,我们发现在对称和非对称之间有著最微妙的互相作用。
- The fundamental physics and the basic engineering principles of the process have remained largely inaccessible. 对于该过程的基本物理知识和基本工程原理,人们仍是不够十分了解的。
- Inquiry Teaching has been considered an essential part of Fundamental Physics education in novation internationally. 探究性教学是国际物理教育改革和我国基础物理教育改革的共同取向。
- Fluid Sciences, Combustion and Chemical Physics; Materials Sciences and Thermo-physical Properties; Life Sciences and Biotechnology; Fundamental Physics; Experimental Techniques. 微重力流体科学、材料科学、生物技术、微重力条件下的燃烧、基础物理和实验技术与设备方面的研究。
- His view that fundamental physics could be gleaned from elegant mathematics now permeates a whole field of inquiry into the reality of nature, string theory. 他认为,基础物理学理论可以通过简洁优雅的数学方程来描述。到如今,在探究物质本质的弦理论中,这一思想得到了广泛的应用。
- Fundamental physical constants By the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. 物理基础常数,由美国国家标准和技术会提供。
- We review briefly some of the results drawn from the 1998 CODATA set of recommended values of the fundamental physical constants. 简明地评述了由国际科学技术数据委员会 (CODATA) 1998年推荐的基本物理常数中得到的一些结论 .
- D. from there).Throughout his career, his research has focused on fundamental physical phenomena in ordered and disordered solids. 他在职业生涯的研究中,专攻有序和无序固体里的基础物理现象。
- Quantum cryptography,which is based on fundamental physical principles,has been proved to be an effective technique fo r secure key distribution. 基于量子物理原理的量子密码术已被证明是保密信中密钥安全分配的有效手段。
- The fundamental physical processes involved in these extreme interactions are a matter of debate among theoretical physicists. 在这种极端相互作用中涉及的基础物理过程是理论物理学家们争论的实质。
- He tutored the child in physics. 他给这小孩辅导物理。
- Stanley Williams is an HP Senior Fellow at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories and founding Director of the HP Quantum Science Research( QSR) group, with more than50 scientists and engineers working in areas of fundamental physical sciences. 近年来,随着特征尺寸持续减小至纳米范围,量子物理学日渐重要,该小组为惠普提供了大量领先于电子学、学、械器件领域的挑战和机会。
- His fundamental concern was for her welfare. 他最关心的是她的幸福。
- Physics is governed by cosmic laws. 物理学受宇宙法则的制约。
- But for the moment, the examples discovered in Gabon remain unique windows on possible changes in fundamental physical constants and on how buried nuclear waste migrates over time. 不过现阶段而言,要研究基础物理常数可能的变化以及埋藏的核废料如何随时间迁移,加彭的例子仍是我们唯一的窗口。
- Physics has made enormous progress in this century. 本世纪物理学的发展突飞猛进。
- At this time another fundamental change occurred. 这时候又发生了一个根本性的变化。
- Stanley Williams is an HP Senior Fellow at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories and founding Director of the HP Quantum Science Research (QSR) group, with more than 50 scientists and engineers working in areas of fundamental physical sciences. 近年来,随着特征尺寸持续减小至纳米范围,量子物理学日渐重要,该小组为惠普提供了大量领先于电子学、光学、机械器件领域的挑战和机会。
- Einstein's theory marked a new epoch in physics. 爱因斯坦理论开创了物理学的新纪元。