- fundamental educational theory 教育基本理论
- Dividing Line of Educational Theory: Truth? Signtficance? 教育理论的分野:真理?意义?
- Man is the object and the beginning of educational theory and practice. 摘要教育的对象是人,人是教育理论与实践的起点。
- Constructivist Teaching Theory is the core of the current educational theory. 摘要建构主义教学理论是当前教育教学的核心理论。
- Educational theory and practice should be interdependent,but not be separated. 教育理论与实践本应是互动的,但实际上却存在着脱节现象。
- Chapter one starts with his fundamental educational psychology thoughts, examining the theories of "doctrine of good human nature" and "doctrine of acquirable knowledge". 在开篇介绍了他的教育心理思想的基本观点,即性善论和学知论。
- The fundamental problem that life education theory aims to solve is the inadaptability to democratic life caused by the national character of hierarchy value. 生活教育理论要解决的根本问题,是“人上人”的“价值观”所造就的国民性不能适应民主生活的问题。
- We must do well in our fundamental education for our country's future. 为了祖国的明天,我们必须作好基础教育工作。
- This has happened in painting (with cubism), physics, poetry, communication and educational theory. 在绘画,物理,诗歌,传播,教育理论里都有应用。
- Sun Mingxun was a determined supporter of social education theory. 摘要孙铭勋是最坚决的“生活教育”理论的坚持者之一。
- Cf: Garrison,J.(1996) A Deweyan Theory of Democratic Listening. Educational Theory, Vol.46, No.4. 伽达默尔.;论倾听[A]
- Under the post -modernism of educational theory ,the people had to rescan and cognize the educational phenomena. 后现代教育理念对传统、封闭、僵化的教育理念进行了全面的批判,给我国教师的教育理念带来了新的曙光。
- On November 10th, the seminar named "Reform on the Assessment of Primary and Middle School's English Learning" was held by the Fundamental educational center of Beijing Educational Scientific Academy. 11月10日,北京教科院基础教育中心召开“中小学英语学习评价改革”专题研讨会。
- The intimate and estranged relationship between educational theory and practice ensure them echo criticize and,reflect. 教育理论和实践之间既亲密又疏远的关系保证了它们之间的相互呼应和反思、批判。
- The paper discusses the education theory and instruction style in the course of CAI development and elaborates the advantages of CAI in the course Mechanical Design by reviewing the fundamental and current situation. 研究了CAI软件开发的现状及其存在的问题,探讨了CAI开发过程中涉及的教育学理论及教学模式,并根据这些理论与模式,结合机械设计课程的特点,阐述了与机械设计传统教学相比,计算机辅助教学应用在机械设计课程教学中的好处。
- Alcott put his educational theories to the test with his own family. 爱尔考特用他自己的家人来验证他的教育理论。
- The anthor created a new teaching mode on Analytical chemistry using CAI Technology instructed by the modern educational theory. 以现代教育学理论为指导,应用CAI技术构建了一套开放式分析化学教学模式。
- As a degree with a special background of vocational education, EDM aims to cultivate those who are engaged in fundamental education and management. 摘要教育硕士专业学位是具有特定教育职业背景的专业性学位,主要培养面向基础教育教学和管理工作需要的高层次人才。
- As an educator, he put the aesthetic education theory into practice. 作为教育家,他身体力行,将审美教育思想融入到自己的教育实践中。
- In the new round of course reform in fundamental education, the reform of the chemistry course stresses on its experimental lesson. 新一轮的基础教育课程改革中,化学课程改革的关键所在在于实验课的改革。