- fundamental arithmetic circuit 基本算术运算电路
- Word level model checking based on decision diagrams can verify arithmetic circuits completely,but its bug finding is time-consuming. 基于决策图的字级模型检验方法虽然能完全验证运算电路;但它从有缺陷的设计中发现系统规范的反例所需时间较长.
- The approach can he easily incorporated into existing RTL to gate equivalence checking frameworks and increase the robustness of equivalence checking for arithmetic circuits. 该算法可以直接结合到现有的寄存器传输级(RTL)和门级网表的验证流程中,从而提高算术电路的验证能力。
- The little boy was not good at arithmetic. 这个小男孩算术不太好。
- She grounded her pupils well in arithmetic. 她给自己的学生打下良好的算术基础。
- His fundamental concern was for her welfare. 他最关心的是她的幸福。
- At this time another fundamental change occurred. 这时候又发生了一个根本性的变化。
- He got the answer by mental arithmetic. 他用心算得出了答案。
- He is good at mental arithmetic. 他擅长心算。
- Moderate exercise is fundamental to good health. 适度的运动封健康是绝对必要的。
- I'm good at history but not so hot at arithmetic. 我的历史成绩不错,但算术不太好。
- Hard work is fundamental to success. 必须苦干才能成功。
- There are two breakers in this circuit. 这个电路里面使用了两个断路器。
- A replaceable printed circuit board. 一种可替换的印制电路板。
- He brushed up on fractions before taking the arithmetic test. 在参加算术考试前他又重温了分数。
- The circuit of the city walls is three miles. 环绕本市城墙的周长是三英里。
- Implementation High-Speed Modular Arithmetic Circuit with Improved Look-up Table 用改进的查表法实现高速模运算电路
- However, they did not wish for a fundamental change. 但他们并不希望发生根本性的变化。
- There must be a break in the circuit. 电路中一定有断路。
- A short circuit will blow the fuse. 短路会烧断保险丝的。