- For using the online instant fund transfer system, you must have a PPS Internet account. For the fund transfer within service hour, your securities account balance will update instantly. 阁下如使用即时转账服务,必须是缴费灵的网上用户。在服务时间内所作之转账,款项将即时存至阁下之证券户口内。
- A concept put forth in the1960s by the Electronic Funds Transfer System,to develop a checkless,cashless,paperless society. 60年代,由于电子资金转帐系统的出现而得到的一个概念,要使我们进入一个无支票、无现金、无纸张票据的社会。
- A concept put forth in the1960s by the Electronic Funds Transfer System, to develop a checkless, cashless, paperless society. 60年代,由于电子资金转帐系统的出现而得到的一个概念,要使我们进入一个无支票、无现金、无纸张票据的社会。
- Interbank funds transfer system: a funds transfer system in which most(or all)direct participants are financial institutions, particularly banks and other credit institutions. 行间资金转帐系统:一种资金转帐系统,其中大多数(或全部)直接参与者是金融机构,特别是银行和其他信贷机构。
- A group responsible for an electronic, interbank funds transfer system encompassing more than 1000 banks in 20 countries and handling about 250 000 transactions per day. 一个负责银行间资金调度系统的团体,在世界20多个国家拥有1000多个银行,每天处理大约250 000宗业务。Society worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication的缩写。
- Nowadays, electronic funds transfer system has been more and more used in international finance and sale of goods in order to transfer funds or discharge debt. 在商业性电子资金划拨中,时有风险发生,如何对风险进行划分一直是一个意义重大的问题。
- Funds transfer system rules play a leading role in the system risk reduction, so the legislation should acknowledge and encourage the creation of the system rules. 就降低系统风险而言,资金划拨系统规则发挥着主导作用,立法应承认并鼓励系统规则的制度创新。
- Electronic checks and electronic credit cards used for the purchases on Internet , which is called notational funds transfer system, are not electronic money either. 而电子支票、电子信用卡应用于开放性网络,这些新式电子支付系统属于记忆式资金移转系统,也不是电子货币。
- Transfer system: a generic term covering interbank funds transfer systems and exchange-for-value systems. 转帐系统:行间资金转帐系统和价值交换系统的总称。
- This is particularly in the light of the rapid recent development in electronic system services, like electronic funds transfer systems. 尤其是在电子服务系统的迅速发展的情况下,如电子资金转帐交流的使用。
- Payment system: a payment system consists of a set of instruments, banking procedures and, typically, interbank funds transfer systems that ensure the circulation of money. 支付系统:支付系统由一整套支付工具、银行办法,以及通常为确保货币流通的行间资金转帐系统组成。
- This is particularly in the light of the rapid recent development in electronic systems services, like electronic funds transfer systems. 尤其是在电子服务系统的迅速发展的情况下,如电子资金转帐交流的使用。
- Aggressive pricing and the development of electronic funds transfer systems and home banking have reduced the importance of location. 挑战性定价和电子资金划转系统的发展及家庭银行服务已使地理位置的重要性大大降低。
- Electronic funds transfer is an important part of electronic commerce, the study on antitrust issues of small-value electronic funds transfer systems if also important. 电子资金划拨是电子商务的重要组成部分 ,小额电子资金划拨中的反垄断问题是亟待研究的重要问题。
- EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System 电子资金转帐系统
- Large value funds transfer system 大额资金转帐系统
- electronic funds transfer system 电子转账系统
- Whole Sale Funds Transfer System 大额资金转账系统
- electronic funds transfer systems 电子资金汇兑系统
- electronic funds transfer system (EFTS) 电子金融传送系统,电子资金转移系统,电子金融传输系统