- fund rs annual meeting 基金年会
- Mother was in the chair in the annual meeting. 母亲在年会中担任主席。
- The family rs annual income is in the vicinity of $15000. 这家一年的收入在一万五千美元左右。
- ASCO 42nd Annual Meeting: Abstract 587. ASCO 42届年会:摘要 587。
- ARVO 2007 Annual Meeting: Abstract 374-B576. ARVO 2007年会:会议摘要374-B576。
- Presented at the 92nd AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo. 中华民国食品科技学会第29届会员大会。
- ACPM 2007 Annual Meeting: Poster 38. ACPM 2007 年会:海报38。
- AAD 65th Annual Meeting: Posters 19 and 2702. AAD 65届年会:海报19 和2702.
- CONSTRUCTION” TRB 80th Annual Meeting 2001. 公路工程质量检验评定标准\\[S\\].
- On this annual meeting, a few IB.. 在这次年会上,一些IB.
- ACG 71st Annual Meeting: Abstract 12. ACG 71届年会:摘要12。
- Annual meeting where Ministers meet to develop and fund work programs for the committees. 部长们为发展和支持委员会工作计划而每年举行的会议。
- World Bank President Robert Zoellick and the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Dominique Strauss-Kahn, also attended the annual meeting. 世界银行主席佐利克以及国际货币基金组织的执行主任多米尼克斯塔拉斯卡恩,也参加了这次年会。
- APEC Ministerial Meetings Annual meeting where Ministers meet to develop and fund work programs for the committees. 亚太经济合作组织部长会议部长们为发展和支持委员会工作计划而每年举行的会议。
- The TMS 2007 Annual Meeting was held in Orlando,Florida,USA. TMS 2007年会于2月25日至3月1日在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市举行。
- CSRC annual meeting today &tomorrow, measures to help A shr mkt? 证监会今、明两天年会,拟出手拯救A股市场?
- American Geriatrics Society 2008 Annual Meeting: Abstract P12. 美国老年医学2008年会:摘要 P12。
- Annual meeting of 1993 Phytopathological Society of R.O.C. 中华植物保护学会民国八十一年年会论文摘要。
- Society for Pediatric Dermatology 33rd Annual Meeting: Poster 21. 小儿皮肤科学会第33届年会:海报21。
- We are delighted that China is host to the 1997 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. 世界银行和国际货币基金组织一九九七年年会由中国主办,我们感到十分高兴。