- The setlocale() function sets locale information. 函数的作用是:设置场景信息。
- And with the homotopy continuation methods,these function set is solved,and the direct kinematics solutions are obtained. 然后使用连续同伦方法,对上述方程组进行求解,并获得并联机床正解。
- The Windows Sockets setsockopt function sets a socket option. 中文解释似乎是:设置套接字的选项。
- It's difficult to solve the direct kinematics of a parallel machine tool(PMT),which will deal with nonlinear function set. 并联机床运动学正解问题由于涉及到求解非线性方程组问题而不易解决。
- Interfacemembers can be either method declarations (defined with the function statement) or property declarations (defined with the function get and function set statements). interfacemembers可以是方法声明(用function语句定义)或属性声明(用function get和function set语句定义)。
- Note also in this example that the QUOTENAME function sets the quote character. 另请注意,在此示例中QUOTENAME函数设置引号字符。
- Fischer-Hjalmars and P.Siegbahn, which are reported to bo very near to the Hartree-Fock limit, but the basis function set which we used is completely different from theirs,and much simpler. Siegbahn的很接近于Hartree-Fock极限的计算结果也颇为一致.;但我们所用的基函数集合与他们所用的完全不同;而且简单得多
- "Z-Score" model, which is a plural liner function set by applying of changeable thought, it use various finance index signs to work out total discretion cent (Z value) to make the comprehensive analysis, predict the business enterprise of finance crisis. “Z-Score”模型是一个运用多变量思路建立的多元线性函数公式,即运用多种财务指标加权汇总产生的总判别分(即Z值)来综合分析、预测企业的财务危机。
- The intermolecular potential energy surface(PES)for C3-Ar system in which the molecular C3 is at its equilibrium structure has been calculated by supramolecule method and CCSD(T) approach with a large basis set containing the bond function set 3s3p2d. 采用超分子耦合簇理论CCSD(T)方法和由键函数3s3p2d组成的大基组;计算得到了范德华体系C3-Ar在C3分子处于线性平衡构型时的全程分子间势能面.
- Abstract : Features denote the extensions of the basic function set of the communication software, while Feature Interactions (FIs) mean the unexpected interference between the features. 摘要:通信软件在其基本服务基础上进行扩展而得到的附加功能被称为特征,由于特征之间的相互干扰所导致的软件系统的异常行为被称为特征冲突问题。
- The ignore_user_abort() function sets whether a remote client can abort the running of a script. 函数的作用是:为远程客户端是否可以放弃执行一个脚本程序设置权限。
- This function sets a SQL statement to be processed. lrd_fetch - The lrd_fetch function fetches the next row from the result set. 如果随着虚拟用户的增加,吞吐量曲线相对平坦,这可能就是带宽限制数据传输量的一个原因。
- According to that method, the stability of high slope of the hydroelectric power station in reservoir area is analyzed, the engineering practices prove that the model function set up is effective. 根据这一思路,我们分析了某水电站库区高边坡复杂块体稳定性,工程实践证明,所建模型实用性较强。
- Linux development experience including lockable Notes, some kernel programming note, the kernel procedures style matters to the attention of the operation function set, and some source code. 多线程HTTP服务器程序.;Linux下开发的心得笔记 包括加锁的问题、内核编程的一些注意事项、内核程序风格的注意事项、为操作函数集等和一些源码。-multithreaded HTTP server
- The touch() function sets the access and modification time of the specified file. 函数的作用是:设定文件的访问和修改时间。
- The xml_set_character_data_handler() function sets the character data handler for the XML parser. 函数的作用是:为XML解析器设置处理字符数据的函数。
- The xml_set_default_handler() function sets the default data handler for the XML parser. 函数的作用是:为XML解析器设置默认处理的数据处理函数。
- The system structure and function settings are introduced together with the data management system based on Visual Basic. 介绍了智能测量仪的系统结构和功能设置,以及基于Visual Basic的数据管理系统。
- We have the factory fully functional set of tabulation equipment, from product design to die by the development of our engineering and technical personnel complete. 我们工厂拥有一整套功能齐全的制表设备,从产品设计到模具的开发都是由我们的工程技术人员完成的。
- The SetDIBits function sets the pixels in a bitmap using the color data found in the specified device-independent bitmap (DIB). 译:使用建立在指定设备无关位图中的颜色数据设置位图中像素。