- There were differences in Chl between the two varieties, 8901-11 and 4185. TheChl in the two varieties were all increased by zinc fertilization, and the Chl highest in top function leaves and in flag leaf occurred at the Zn level of 11.25 kg hm-2. 8901-11和4185两个品种间叶绿素含量达最高值的时间和含量存在差异。 施锌后两个品种的叶片叶绿素含量均增加,上部功能叶和旗叶叶绿素含量基本以施锌11.;25 kg hm~(-2)的最高。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- The Microstructure and Gas Exchange Characteristics of Functional Leaves of Wheat Cold Source. 小麦冷源功能叶片的显微结构和气体交换特性。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- The SOD aspect, the isozyme bands have not been examined in various times of the male flower bud growth but only in the functional leaves. SOD方面,只是在功能叶中检测到同工酶带,在雄蕾发育的各时期均无酶带显示;
- A stem with the form and function of a leaf. 具有叶的形状和功能的枝。
- The activities of nitrate reductase (NR), glufamine synthetase(GS), and protease in functional leaves of rice and glutamine synthetase in grain of rice were strengthened. 可增强水稻功能叶的硝酸还原酶、谷氨酰胺合成酶和蛋白水解酶活性及籽粒的谷氨酰胺合成酶活性;
- What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务?
- The sofa can also function as a bed. 这沙发也可以当床。
- Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语中有些副词可作形容词用。
- The heart performs a vital bodily function. 心脏起著维持生命的重要作用。
- A maximum or minimum value of a function. 极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值
- A style that weds form and function. 把形式与作用紧密结合的风格
- Having meaning, function, or purpose. 有意思的,有意图的,有目的的
- One's assigned role or function. 角色某人指定的角色或职务
- The results show that DPR can obviously improve ability of nitrogenmetabolism in functional leaves and steam-sheaths of rice in stage of reproductive growth, and enhance the contents of protein N in grain and brown of rice. 结果表明水稻齐穗后喷施DPR能明显改善水稻功能叶和茎鞘氮素代谢的能力;提高其籽粒和糙米中蛋白氮含量及籽粒的蛋白质产量.
- The results showed as follows:1 When DPR was sprayed in early rice and late rice during reproductive stage of rice growth, it could improve chlorophyll contents and net photosynthetic rate of functional leaves. 在水稻齐穗后,喷施DPR能够提高早、晚稻功能叶叶绿素含量,增加功能叶的光合强度。
- Salt plays an important part in the function of the body. 盐在调节身体的机能方面扮演着重要的角色。
- Growth is a function of nutrition. 长身体是由营养决定的
- The office or function of a rabbi. 犹太法学博士的身份或职位