- Creates an object file containing machine code, linker directives, sections, external references, and function data names for the selected file. 创建一个对象文件,在其中包含选定文件的机器码、链接器指令、节、外部引用以及函数名或数据名。
- Multi function data acquire device with model NI-6008 USB was used and the data processing was realized on the Labview platform. 使用NI-6008USB数据采集器,在Labview软件平台上实现测试控制与数据处理。
- Based on the AutoCAD IDE, two auxiliary application programs for the membrane structures design are developed with AutoLisp language and internal function data structure. 基于AutoCAD环境,利用AutoLISP语言和内置函数的数据结构,开发了在膜结构设计过程中的两个实用辅助程序:三维实体自动转换程序和膜片放样自动标注程序。
- multi--function data access card 多功能数据采集卡
- None of these characteristics is at odds with more pragmatic goals of functional data processing (which lies at the core of all silicon-enabled products). 这些体贴的特征没有一个是和功能至上的数据处理的目标相违背的,这些数据处理都是针对那些含有电子芯片的产品来说的。
- The greater XQuery ecosystem provides a unified way to query XML documents, including XML selection, serialization, full-text search, and functional data modeling. 更大的XQuery系统提供了查询XML文档的统一方式,包括XML选择、序列化、全文搜索和函数性数据建模。
- Compared with the traditional regression method,functional data regression can explore deeper level dynamic regularity of intrinsic relations between variables,such as velocity,curvature and so on. 与传统的回归方法相比,函数数据回归可以从连续的角度揭示变量间内在关系发展变化的速率、曲率等更深层次的动态规律性。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。
- A clerical function that is concerned with the assembly of data file and materials required to run a program or a set of programs. 将运行一个程序或一组程序所需的资料和数据文件汇编起来的一种文书性的操作程序。
- What is his function on the committee? 他在委员会里担任什么职务?
- The sofa can also function as a bed. 这沙发也可以当床。
- Some English adverbs function as adjectives. 英语中有些副词可作形容词用。
- The heart performs a vital bodily function. 心脏起著维持生命的重要作用。
- Component Functional Data Administrator 组成函数数据管理器
- A maximum or minimum value of a function. 极大值,极小值函数的最大值或最小值
- A style that weds form and function. 把形式与作用紧密结合的风格
- Having meaning, function, or purpose. 有意思的,有意图的,有目的的
- One's assigned role or function. 角色某人指定的角色或职务