- Keywords systematic desensitization therapy;flooding therapy;fulminated qualitative change;gradually qualitative change; 系统脱敏疗法;满灌疗法;爆发式质变;渐进式质变;
- fulminated qualitative change 爆发式质变
- This will cause qualitative change. 这将会引起质的变化。
- The cycle is precondition for per qualitative change. 我发现每一个循环是质变的准备。
- Quantitative change is the necessary preparation for qualitative change. 量变是质变的必要准备。
- This will cause qualitative changes . 这将会引起质的变化。
- The telecommunications network has undergone a qualitative change in terms of capacity, technology and service. 通信网的规模容量、技术层次、服务水平都发生了质的飞跃。
- There has been a qualitative change that can be seen in every field, not just in the automobile industry. 质的变化反映在各个领域,不只是汽车这个行业。
- The telecommunications network has undergone a qualitative change in terms of capacity,technology and service. 通信网的规模容量、技术层次、服务水平都发生了质的飞跃。
- There has been a qualitative change that can be seen in every field,not just in the automobile industry. 质的变化反映在各个领域,不只是汽车这个行业。
- This would be not only a quantitative, but a qualitative change from conventional computers. 这不仅是从传统计算机的量的改变,还是质的改变。
- Innovation is the “growing” soul of library, without innovation there would be no qualitative change in the library. 创新是图书馆“生长着”的灵魂,没有创新就没有图书馆的质的变化。
- In Marxist theory,consumption will have qualitative change because of the alienation of labour, which could result in fetishism. 马克思认为,在一定社会条件下,消费行为将由于劳动的异化而发生质变,从而导致商品拜物教的形成。
- It is a good way of life - much better than before - and as a good way of life, it militates against qualitative change. 马尔库塞还批判资本主义对人的“爱欲”本性的压抑、批判了资本主义滋长了“攻击性”罪恶、批判了资本主义所造成的生态和自然危机。
- But cannot use the scour that contains bleacher, such meetings make cotton qualitative change of white yellow, or make colored cotton qualitative fade. 但是不能用含漂白剂的洗涤剂,这样会让白色的棉质变黄,或使有颜色的棉质掉色。
- If we hadn't opened up,we would still be hammering out automobile parts the way we did in the past. Now things are vastly different; It is a qualitative change. 如果不是开放,我们生产汽车还会像过去一样用锤子敲敲打打,现在大不相同了,这是质的变化。
- Chief Chelsea Terry exclaims in surprise the present this Red Army's qualitative change: “they have demonstrated the extraordinary determination and the faith to everybody. 切尔西队长特里就惊叹目前这支红军的质变:“他们向大家展示了非凡的决心和信念。”
- Through a bit accumulation in the daily grind, running to the qualitative change from the quantitative change, the enterprose upstanding image building could only be set up. 通过日常工作中的点滴积累,从量变发展到质变,才能树立起良好的企业形象。
- Contemporary socialism is times of capitalist world history transfer to times of communistic world history the partial qualitative change in the process. 当代社会主义是资本主义世界历史时代向共产主义世界历史时代过渡过程中的部分质变。
- The arrival of intellectual economy times, make human economy activity is facing qualitative change, social demand also will by energy model to knowledge quickstep transition. 知识经济时代的到来,使人类经济活动面临着一次质变,社会需求也将由能量型向知识型快步跃迁。