- The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain. 那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了。
- fully extended length 全伸出长度
- Make sure outrigger were fully extended and installed on firm pad. 确保外伸支架全部伸出并稳固于地面上。
- The horse is fully extended by the long riding up the mountain. 那匹马长途爬山已用尽力气了。
- Hospitals were already fully extended because of the epidemic. 这场流行病已使各医院竭尽全力。
- The horse won the race easily without being fully extended. 这匹马没有使尽全力就轻易赢得比赛。
- She was fully extended in the swimming race but she still came last. 在游泳比赛中,她竭尽全力,结果还是游了个末名。
- fully extended especially in length. 尤其是在长度上扩大的。
- Robots will be measured in an upright position and with all parts fully extended. 测量时机器人必须处于直立状态并且伸展开所有部件。
- Now landing gear fully extended, three greens on, over the field. Please give me a visual check on the landing gear. 现在起落架完全放下,三个绿灯亮,飞越机场。请给予我目视检查起落架。
- There is affinitive relationship between the incidence of varix of lower limb and long-term working on their feet、extended length of service、insufficiency of protective countermeasure, respectively. 下肢静脉曲张的发生率与长期站立工作、工龄长短及防护措施不力有密切关系。
- Girls will gently clamp the midsection of the cigarette middle their fully extended index or middle fingers. 女孩子应该逐渐地夹紧在她们的完全广大的索引和中指之间的香烟中央部份。
- Multi-span continuous bridges have large extended length longitudinally,the more rational method for seismic response analysis should be performed considering the traveling wave effect. 多跨连续梁桥纵向延伸长度比较长,进行地震反应分析时应考虑地震波有限波速传播所引起的行波效应。
- Multi-span continuous bridges have large extended length longitudinally, the more rational method for seismic response analysis should be performed considering the traveling wave effect. 多跨连续梁桥纵向延伸长度比较长,进行地震反应分析时应考虑地震波有限波速传播所引起的行波效应。
- C. Fully extend arm midway between client and yourself, then move it centrally with fingers moving. 检查者手臂前伸至与受检者距离中间处,移动手臂并不断摆动手指。
- While being inspected, each robot must be upright and at its maximum size; i. E. Anything that protrudes from the robot must be fully extended. 接受检查时,机器人必须竖直摆放,并且完全伸展,即机器人身上任何突出的部分都要充分展开。
- Studies experimentally the pressure drop of two common kinds of flexible duct in fully extended state and obtains their absolute roughness. 通过实验研究了两种常用柔性风管在全伸展状态时的压力损失,得出了它们的绝对粗糙度值。
- While being inspected, each robot must be upright and at its maximum size; i.e. anything that protrudes from the robot must be fully extended. 接受检查时,机械人必须竖直摆放,并且完全伸展,即机械人身上任何突出的部分都要充分展开。
- DBB is the capability of the robot to balance itself while on the balls of its "ankles", allowing it to stand upright while fully extended. DBB是机器人以“脚踝”为基础保持自身平衡的能力,这使它在充分伸展时能够站得笔直。
- As a result dimensioning to the max .load in the fully extended position gives reasonable guide dimensions and trouble-free service. 因此,在全伸长下最大载荷的所给定的尺寸是合理的导向件尺寸并可保证免于维护。