- The eight helicopters are fully operational. 这八架直升机都可以完全投入运行。
- The oil rig is now fully operative. 石油钻塔现全面开工。
- The telephone is fully operational again. 电话又完全可以使用了.
- The electronic jammer was fully operational. 电子干扰机正全面工作。
- Until this battle station is fully operational we are vulnerable. 除非这个战斗站完全走上轨道,我们还是有弱点
- The new airport should be fully operational by the end of the year. 新机场应在年底前全面投入运营。
- PWS and IIS 3 users now have a fully operational system. PWS和IIS 3的用户现在就拥有了完全可运作的系统。
- The steps necessary to place a computer in fully operational status; it, typically, consists of loading the operating system. 使计算机完全进入运行状态必需的步骤,它通常包括装入操作系统。参阅coldboot。
- The scheme was fully operative by 1975. 到1975年这一计划已完全实施。
- Is the inert Gas System fully operational and in good working order? 惰气系统是否完全可用并处于良好的工作状态?
- Many other changes brought the FSD aircraft closer to being fully operational. 大量的其它变化使得FSD飞机更加接近于一架入役的飞机。
- The regional office in Mosul is now fully operational at its temporary headquarters. 位于摩苏尔的地区办公室现在已在临时司令部里完全投入运作。
- The station will be fully operative again in January. 该站将于一月份全部恢复运营。
- The library computer system became fully operational in March 1995 and now supports over 430 terminals. 图书馆电脑系统在一九九五年三月全面投入服务,现时可让超过430部终端机同时使用。
- A fully operational European Monetary Union does not come, however, with a guarantee of success. 但是,对于成功的承诺并不意味着欧洲货币联盟的政策完全具有可操作性。
- Our engineers are actively working on fixing this issue and we should be back online and fully operational soon. 我们的工程师正在修正此问题,我们将会很快再次上次回复正常运作。
- Has fully operational command of the language: appropriate, accurate and fluent with complete understanding. 具有完全驾驭语言的能力:适宜、准确、流畅、理解正确。
- Networks can only remain fully operational provided all information is sent out all active interfaces. 网络只保留那些完全可我是文明人作的信息,该信息被发送到所有活动接口。
- Repairs have already begun and we expect the factory to be fully operational again within six months. 整修工作已经开始,我们期望这家工厂在六个月内将再一次全面运转。
- ELCB or GFCI device with trip load of no more than 30 milliamp will be fitted and fully operational. 有故障的设备不可以使用,要报告给监护人员准备维修或者取走不用。