- Although he is her employer, she has in effect full control. 虽然他是她的雇主,但实际上是由她完全控制。
- Give them all full control of this folder. 给他们“完全控制”的权限。
- Although he is her employer,she has in effect full control. 虽然他是她的雇主,但实际上是由她完全控制。
- Class to take full control of data bindings for your applications. 类来完全控制应用程序的数据绑定。
- The performer has full control over the rain at all times. 演员完全控制著风雨时刻.
- Now you can have full control over your arbitrage trading. 现在您能够完全控制您的差价交易了。
- Format setting gives the developer full control over the binary format. 格式设置为开发人员提供了对二进制格式的完全控制。
- The grower is no longer in full control of the nutritional situation. 栽培者就再也不能完全控制营养状况。
- Last but not least, one has full control and freedom over the matter. 第三,这种归属认同赋予主体充分的自主性和可选择性。
- Schleicher perceived the advantages of full control of an information-gathering organ. 施莱歇认识到完全控制一个收集情报的机构的好处。
- Give the SYSTEM Account Full Control rights to the EXCHSRVR directory and all sub-directories. 向SYSTEM帐户授予对EXCHSRVR目录和所有子目录的完全控制权利。
- Make sure that SYSTEM has full control of Exchsrvr and all subfolders on each partition that contains Exchange data. 请确保SYSTEM对Exchsrvr以及每个分区上包含Exchange数据的所有子文件夹拥有完全控制权。
- The final step is essentially to hand over full control to the resource allocation software. 最后一个步骤实际上要对资源分配软件进行完全控制。
- The first address in the list should be your own, and your access level should be Full Control. 列表中的第一个地址是您自己的地址,您的访问级别为“完全控制”。
- The following permission levels are provided by default: Full Control, Design, Contribute, Read, Limited Access. 默认情况下会提供下列权限级别:完全控制、设计、参与讨论、读取和受限访问。
- The system account must be granted full control to the folder that is specified in the event description. 对于事件描述中指定的文件夹,系统帐户必须被授予完全控制权限。
- This permission is included by default in the Full Control and Designer permission levels. 默认情况下,此权限包含在“完全控制”和“设计者”权限级别中。
- This sample illustrates how to take full control of the bindings and use them for your applications. 类的中级应用程序。此示例阐释如何完全控制绑定并在应用程序中使用它们。
- Server Operators: Special permissions: All permissions except: Full Control, Create Link, Write DAC or Write Owner. Server Operators:特殊权限:所有权限,除了:完全控制、创建链接、写入DAC或写入所有者。
- By default, it is the only user account that is given full control over the system. 默认情况下,它是唯一能够完全控制系统的用户帐户。