- The basic theory of multimedia full text searching system and searching method 多媒体全文检索光盘的系统组成与检索原理
- Integrating for Electronic Information Resource and Full Text Search System 电子信息资源的整合与全文检索系统
- The Design and Realization of the Full Text Searching System for the Lecture Materials in the Song Dynasty 宋代文献资料全文检索系统的设计与实现
- This is the Help Center Full Text Search engine. 这是帮助中心完全文本搜索引擎。
- Full text search is now a built-in feature. 全文检索成为内建特性。
- Full text search with keyword highlights. 全文搜索和关键字高亮。
- The paper proposes a system model for full text search engine based on Jakarta Lucene. 提出了一种基于jakarta Lucene的全文检索系统模型。
- Unified thesis search system of 11 universities in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. All hits have online full text. 瑞典,丹麦,挪威十一所大学毕业论文联合资料库,检索结果不算很多,但全部有网上全文。
- It is useful and meaningful to provide full text search on the Relational DataBase (RDB) in development and construction of Management Information System. 本文采用BORLANDIDAPI关系数据库集成技术,集成多种关系数据库系统,并用信息存储与检索软件QUICKIMS进行管理,实现对关系数据库的全文检索。
- Isearch is funded by The National Science Foundation of the United States and is used as a full text search engine. Isearch是由美国国家自然科学基金投资,网络信息发掘与检索中心研制开发的一个全文检索引擎,也是最早实现诸如XML文档等基于标记的检索的搜索引擎之一。
- In the experiment, this paper re-ranks the results of the full text search using the website level link analysis algorithm. 本文在实验中依照站内层次链接分析算法计算出页面的重要性重新排序文本查询的结果以提高查询质量。
- It proved that the website level link analysis algorithm works very well for the website search compare to full text search and domain-restricted Google search. 实验证明,相对于文本查询及Google站内搜索,此站内层次链接分析算法能充分提高查询的精度。
- In order to improve the efficiency of full text search in Internet,there needs to analyze and organize the contents to build the high efficient search index. 为了提高网络中全文检索的效率 ,需要对Web页面中内容进行分析、建立全文索引 ,并对索引的结构进行高效率的组织。
- Based on the research of search engine's principle and method, this thesis proposes an Agent Based Individualized Internet Information Search Model, which combines the Full Text Search Engine, Search Index/Directory and Meta Search Engine. 在对互联网信息搜集的原理和方法进行研究的基础上,提出了一种基于智能体(Agent)技术的个性化互联网信息采集模型,该模型综合利用了元搜索引擎、全文搜索引擎和目录式搜索引擎在信息搜集方面各自的优势。
- I also had to explain many times why is it so fast - the two orders of magnitude speedups people often experience compared to MySQL build in full text search look too good to be true. 我想:我们可以和合作伙伴一道,把这片尚未开发的、充满机遇的沃土变成新兴市场。但很快我便发现事实与我的想象不同。
- The full text of the communique reads as follows. 公报全文如下。
- Using Authorware to Compile Searching System with Information of Full Text 利用AUTHORWARE编制全文信息检索系统
- Added: Full text search across all channels Edit- Global Search 新增:在所有频道做全文检索
- Research and Application of Full Text Search Engine Based on Lucene 基于Lucene的全文检索引擎研究与应用
- Research and Development of Full Text Search Engine Based on Lucene 基于Lucene的全文检索系统研究与开发