- The camera has a full load of film. 这架照相机装有一整卷胶卷
- This is a load control forms of code. 这是一个控制窗体加载的代码.;-
- The plane took off with a full load. 飞机满载起飞。
- Test for taking on a full load suddenly. 突加负荷试验。
- The trucks has a full load capacity of six tons. 这辆卡车的车容是六吨。
- All equipment is test run on full load, overload and all control pannel functions are tested before dispatch. 发电机组将在原厂以全载及过载测试,控制盘之功能也都逐一检测后才出厂,以确保机组之品质及性能。
- Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load. 从空载到满载转速降一般为两赫兹。
- Line |1: All controls must precede menus; cannot load control |2. 行 |1:所有的控件都必须优先于菜单;无法加载控件 |2 。
- The nominal full load voltage and maximum voltage have been computed. 这样就可以计算出满负电压值和最大电压值。
- A control system includes an electrical load control device responsive to radiant energy and a transmitter. 一种控制系统包括一响应于辐射能的电力负载控制器件及一发射机。
- Asking John to run the department and teach a full load of courses is piling Pelion upon Ossa. 要约翰管理这个系,又要他上满工作量的课程,这是强人所难。
- Elster Metering's products include electricity, water and energy meters, metering systems, and load control solutions. 埃尔斯特集团公司产品包括电表、水表、能量表、表计系统和负荷控制。
- The load control device resides on a digital communications link and receives infrared commands via a lightpipe. 该负载控制设备驻留在数字通信链路上,并且经由灯管接收红外命令。
- When ordering overload relays, specify horsepower, voltage and full load current per motor nameplate. 订购过载继电器时,请注明每台电机的功率马力、电压和满载电流。
- Electricity metering equipment (a. C.) - General requirements, tests and test conditions - Part 21: Tariff and load control equipment. 电量测量设备(交流)。一般要求、试验和试验条件。第21部分:资费和负荷控制设备。
- All of the above will be a basis for the studies of flow load control, power supply recovery and damage loss mitigation of power system after earthquake. 该工作可为震后电力系统负荷快速调整、震区供电系统较快恢复电力供应,减少供电工程系统的损失提供理论分析依据。
- The ratio of output power to input power expressed as a percentage. This is generally measured under full load at nominal line voltage. 输出功率与输入功率之比的百分数。通常是在满负荷额定线电压下测定的。
- H.-T. Yang and K.-Y. Huang, “Direct load control using fuzzy dynamic programming”, IEE Proc.-Gener. Transm. Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 3, May 1999. 张明吉,“冷气机之节约电力需量控制法则”,电机月刊,第九卷,第七期,页244-249,七月,1999。
- The goernor must hae proision for adjusting speed( generator frequency) and speed droop( no load to full load). 调速器必须具备转速调整(电机频率)降速降调整(负荷到满负荷)能。
- H.-T.Yang and K.-Y.Huang, “Direct load control using fuzzy dynamic programming”, IEEE Proc.-Gener.Transm.Distrib., Vol. 146, No. 3, May 1999. 杨正光,陈嘉裕,“直接控制负载管理策略应用”,台电工程月刊,第584期,页82-96,民国86年4月。