- He has been away for a full year now. 他离开已整整一年了。
- PRC 2005 FULL YEAR ISSUED STAMPS+SS+MS, MNH. 是不是说2005年中华人民共和国发行的邮票,小型张,还有什么?MS?MNH?
- Tax official: at first, the concept of the full year means that anybody have resided in china for full365 days, not accounting temporary absence. 税务局:首先,满一年的概念是在一个历年中,在境内居住满365天,不扣除临时离境天数。
- They busily occupied themselves for a full year in producing this film. 他们忙了整整一年来制作这部影片。
- Taxpayer :If I will have resided in china for a full year,what will happen? 纳税人:如果满一年呐?
- The company has been in litigation with its previous auditors for a full year. 那家公司与前任审计员已打了整整一年的官司。
- Taxpayer if I will have resided in china for a full year, what will happen? 纳税人:如果满一年呐?
- A personal vendetta between two experts, known as the "starch wars," exacerbated the controversy which dragged on for a full year. 两位专家之间的个人恩怨,称为“淀粉之战”,加剧了这场争论,而后又延伸了一年。
- Beginners shall not be issued "Patent Agent Work Permit" until after a full year of apprenticeship. 初次从事专利代理工作的人员,实习满一年后,专利代理机构方可发给《专利代理人工作证》。
- In this five year span, the medial age of household heads dropped by almost one full year. 在这五年内,户主的平均年龄几乎减了一年。
- Keep focused on what you are doing each week but also remember what you will have to achieve during the full year. 保持被注重什么您做星期而且记住什么您将必须达到在一整年期间。
- JAL last month said its third quarter net loss nearly trebled compared with the previous year, and it sees a loss of Y47bn ($405m) for the full year. 日航上月表示,与上年相比,第三季净亏损增加近两倍,并预计全年亏损470亿日元(合4.;05亿美元)。
- Last year Glock finished tenth, an impressive showing for his first full year in F1. 去年格洛克完成第十,令人印象深刻的表现出他的第一个整年在F1。
- Among them the age is the smallest, when executive part criminality, malcontent still 18 one full year of life. 其中年龄最小的,在实施部分犯罪行为时,还不满18周岁。
- To extrapolate a value so that it reflects an expected or approximate total for a full year. 推断某个价值,使其反映某种预期或接近年度总值。
- "I have enjoyed this year - my first full year in England," the defender told Liverpoolfc.tv. “我很享受自己在英超的第一个完整赛季,”这位斯洛伐克铁卫告诉官网。
- In three full years he never once convened a meeting of the Load Board. 在整整3年内,他从来没有召开过一次贷款保证委员会的会议。
- It is a full year since a failed bid for Scottish Power prompted Wulf Bernotat, e boss of E. 然而,两宗能源巨头的合并案就不好说(否受到政治或法律因素干涉)。
- It is a full year since a failed bid for Scottish Power prompted Wulf Bernotat, the boss of E. 然而,两宗能源巨头的合并案就不好说(是否受到政治或法律因素干涉)了。自从竞购ScottishPower失败整整一年来,E.
- Tax official: at first,the concept of the full year means that anybody have resided in china for full 365 days,not accounting temporary absence. 税务局:首先,满一年的概念是在一个历年中,在境内居住满365天,不扣除临时离境天数。