- full open throttle 全开节气门
- Rotate knob to full open position. 将旋钮旋转到全开位置。
- Circuit shown in set condition when valve is in full open position. 当阀门处于全开位置时,显示电流处于设置状态。
- Decorating the Center also offers full open, full and transparent. 装潢中心的报价也是全公开、全透明的。
- The valve may be padlocked in full open or full closed position. 这种阀门能够挂锁在全开或全闭位置。
- Think about these as the position of your "closed throttle" position and your "open throttle" position. 想想这些作为的立场,你的"关闭油门"的立场和你的"开放式油门"的立场。
- Linear flow from low to full opening. 从小到全开的线性流。
- Add protective cap over electrical connector, set suction lever to full open. 把联线端的保护帽盖上,把吸引阀开到最大位置。
- Installation and torquing should be done with the valve in full open position. 安装工作和紧固工作都应该在阀门处于全开位置时进行。
- Don't make the throttle full open suddenly to drive a vehicle 驾驶机车不可猛轰油门
- The flow capacity of the straight pattern valve in the full open position is typically 20% lower than the oblique type. 全开位置上的直线式结构阀门通常比倾斜式结构的流通能力小20%25.
- JFP's 5400epm easy open end line is well equipped to produce 206 ring pull,SOT and full open ends to match with both 2-piece and 3-piece cans. 适合两片罐和三片罐配合套使用的206型拉环易开盖、保留式易开盖和大开口式易开盖生产线设备精良。
- The day of full opening of the flower very likely is the day of fertilization. 花朵完全开放的当天多半就是受精的那天。
- Visually inspect vent to ensure that vent goes to full open position when the pressure is at zero. 目测检查排气口以确保当压力为零时,排气处于全开位置。
- WOT switch wide open throttle switch 节气门大开开关
- A V-shaped bar bent to a half-circle is attached to the body, close to the front of the disc in full open position. 一个V形杆弯曲成半圆状附加在阀体上,在阀门处于全开状态时紧靠阀瓣前部。
- For the full open doors report, you can find a link to the IIE website at VOA special English report. 关于全面开放报道,你可以在美国之音特别英语报道的IIE网站里找到相关连接。
- No Pentax P&S camera has PASM, but some of them has B shutter and aperture set at full open. 相机不够好,只有技术好张就一下当无事;菲林不够好,只有质素下降而一样有野睇;
- After the gasoline engine is started, push the damper strangler to the full open position. 汽油机起动后,将阻风门打至全开位置。
- Refer to Series TDV Performance Curves with valve in full open position (Fig. 5). 参阅系列TDV阀门在全开位置的性能曲线(图5)。