- He was full of youthful curiosity. 他充满了年轻人的好奇。
- She is full of youth and vitality. 她充满了青春和活力。
- He was full of youthful idealism. 他满脑子都是年轻人的理想主义。
- Young people should look full of youthful vitality. 年轻人要看上去充满青春活力.
- Then hide them full of youth's sweet memories. 然后隐藏年轻时甜美的记忆。
- is wonderful unscramble: Maize small vest of Ming Yan foils piece bright white color of skin, be full of youthful energy. 出色解读:明艳的黄色小背心衬托出亮白的肤色,布满年轻活力。
- Such bingle, be full of youth to move feeling. 这样的短发,布满青春动感。
- They are in their very first youth, full of youthful spirit. 他们青春年少,朝气蓬勃。
- Zhengzhou, is a city full of youthful spirit and vigor. 郑州是一座充满朝气与活力的城市。
- full of youthful energy 充满青春活力
- Fashion product commercials emphasized self-pampering, the ideology was one of youthful energy, with informality a dominant trend. 时尚商品用一种非正式的占优势的趋势来强调自我纵容,这种意识形态是年轻精力的一种。
- Stand of full of youthful spirity, warm, ardor and riches and honour. 象征朝气蓬勃、温暖、热情、富贵。
- Creating American future to design is an everlasting challenge, but they believe, this kind of youthful energy, hopeful enterprising and traitorous spirit will take American design into a new era. 创造美国未来设计是一个无止境的挑战,但他们相信,这种年轻的活力,乐观进取与叛逆的精神将把美国设计带入一个新时代。
- This dress gives a sense of beauty, which is full of youthful spirits, healthy, and upward. 这身打扮有一种朝气蓬勃、健康向上的美感。
- This dress gives a sense of beauty,which is full of youthful spirits,healthy,and upward. 这身打扮有一种朝气蓬勃、健康向上的美感。
- Mr Wu is an ambitious man, his company is one full of youthful spirits and his career is in the ascendant. 吴总是个胸怀大志的人,景程公司是个朝气蓬勃的公司,景程的事业是方兴未艾的事业。
- Shan Huse, dynamic design, full of youthful vitality, sex never let you to make the extension! 珊瑚色、动感设计,充满青春活力,让你们的性爱永无至尽的延续!
- Young people should be full of youthful spirit, and can not get lethargic due to temporary frustration. 年轻人要朝气蓬勃,不能因为遇到一时的挫折就显得暮气沉沉的。
- Judy is now in the bloom of youth. 朱迪现在正当青春年少。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。