- full diplomatic ties 全面外交联系
- We enjoyed diplomatic ties in all but name. 除了名义以外,我们实际上享有了外交关系。
- Libya has diplomatic ties with Beijing, and not Taiwan. 利比亚与北京方面有外交关系,与台湾没有外交关系。
- Relations between Taiwan and countries maintaining diplomatic ties with China. (一)与中国建交国同台湾的关系问题。
- Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill on establishing diplomatic ties. 金桂冠和美国助理国务卿希尔举行了两天会谈,讨论建立外交关系问题。
- In 1994, Israel and the Vatican established full diplomatic relations. 1994年,以色列和梵蒂冈建立了全面外交关系。
- Most Iranian want talks on renewing diplomatic ties with the United States. 多数伊朗人喜欢通过会谈,来恢复同美国的外交关系。 (渴望这样一个关于恢复同美国外交关系的会谈)
- On January 1 diplomatic ties between the United States and China were at last established . 1月1日中美终于建立了外交关系。
- The United States broke off diplomatic ties in 1979 following the seizure of the U.S. embassy in Tehran. 1979年美国大使在德黑兰被扣押之后;美国政府就与伊朗断绝了外交关系.
- Russia and the Vatican have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, the Kremlin has announced. 克里姆林宫宣布,俄罗斯与梵蒂冈建立全面外交关系。
- Various Austrian parties also welcomed Israel's readiness to normalize its diplomatic ties with Austria. 奥地利各政党都对以准备同奥恢复正常外交关系表示欢迎。
- The principle that formal diplomatic ties had to await an agreement over Taiwan remained intact. 双方建立正式的外交关系必须等到对台湾问题达成协议之后,这条原则仍然不变。
- On January 1 diplomatic ties between the United States and China were at last established. 1月1日中美终于建立了外交关系。
- That's a problem because the Muslim countries that have offered to send troops do not have diplomatic ties with Israel. 这是问题,因为穆斯林与以色列没有外交关系的国家已经表示愿意出兵。
- On January 1, diplomatic ties between the United States and China were at last established. 1月1日中美终于建立了外交关系。
- Turkey has no diplomatic ties with Armenia and refuses to open its border with the landlocked ex-Soviet republic. 土耳其与亚美尼亚没有外交关系,并拒绝开放他们与内陆前苏联共和国的边境。
- Iran, another U.S. rival, is an OIC member but doesn’t have diplomatic ties with Washington. 作为美国的另一个竞争对手伊朗虽然身为该组织成员国,但与华盛顿没有外交联系。
- Egypt has had full diplomatic relations with Israel since the 1979 Camp David peace accords were signed by former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. 1979年埃及前总统萨达特和以色列总理贝京签署了戴维营和平协议。从那以后,埃及与以色列建立了全面的外交关系。
- "But it’s nothing to do with Israel's efforts to open diplomatic ties with Indonesia," he averred. “但以色列并没有就改善印以关系做出任何努力。”
- This year marks the 35th anniversary of normalization of China-Japan diplomatic ties. 今年恰逢中日邦交正常化35周年。