- D: This is the first day of work, son. 儿子啊,今天是你第一天上班。
- I sent a gift to my secretary on her last day of work. 在我的秘书工作的最后一天,我送给了她一份礼物。
- Music can help people relax after a long day of work. 在漫长的一日工作后,音乐可以帮助人们放松。
- A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work. 烦恼的一天比工作一星期更使人精疲力尽。
- full day of work 全天的工作
- The day of work is done. Hide my face in your arms, Mother. 白天的工作完了。把我的脸掩藏在您的臂间吧,母亲。
- US President Barack Obama on Monday got to work replenishing his mind, body and spirit, playing tennis and golf and taking on a hefty stack of books on his first full day of vacation. 美国总统巴拉克?奥巴马于本周一开始了其第一天的休假,趁机养精蓄锐,放松身心,除了打网球和高尔夫,他还要读厚厚的一摞书。
- Holly sniffed out my office, and we settled in for a day of work. 霍莉把办公室嗅闻一遍后,我们一天的工作就开始了。
- The day of work is done. Hide my face in your arms,Mother. 白天的工作完了。把我的脸掩藏在您的臂间吧,母亲。
- The finals of each event started late, at 10 p. m., a sort of strange digest if after a full day of Olympic sports. 这次跳板和跳水两项决赛均安排在晚间,晚上10时开始。这可说是在一整天奥运赛事之后的一种奇妙的消化剂。
- S. dignitaries, nuns and priests greeted Pope Benedict as he began the first full day of his trip to the United States. 布什对教皇说,在恐怖主义和仇恨蔓延的时期,美国人需要教皇关于上帝即仁爱的教导。
- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- The FTSE 100 index fell on July 2nd, the first full day of trading after the Glasgow incident, by a measly 17 points. 英国富时100指数在格拉斯堡事件后,全天交易量仅下跌了17个百分点。
- The day of work is done.Hide my face in your arms,mother. 白天的工作结束了。让我的脸躲在您的臂弯里吧,母亲。
- With the default settings, usage analysis will not run until the first Sunday after a full day of information has been logged for the Web site. 使用默认设置,在为网站记录了全天信息后的第一个星期日,才会运行使用率分析。
- On Monday evening she will travel to Japan for a full day of meetings and events on Tuesday, before returning to the UK on Wednesday morning. 周一晚上她将飞抵日本,周二进行全天的会议和活动,周三早上启程回国。
- Each has his quota of work for the day. 每个人的工作日都有定额。
- The last full day of trading for this cataclysmic year saw indices in Asia close practically flat as 2008 draws to a close. 随着2008年即将结束,今天是这灾难年中日本在亚洲汇市收盘前最后一次实现全天持平的一天。
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?
- It a full day of dark clouds of elephant block the brilliant sunlight in multiple layers, making your double can not see bright, can not feel the merriment of the human life. 它就象满天的乌云层层的遮住了灿烂的阳光,使你的双眼看不到光明,感受不到人间的欢乐。