- full compress ratio 总压缩比
- Reducing combustion chamber diameter was propitious to reduce HC emissions under the same compress ratio. 压缩比相同时适当缩小燃烧室直径,有助于降低HC排放。
- Compression ratio of the server input data stream. 服务器输入数据流的压缩比率。
- Compression ratio of the server output data stream. 服务器输出数据流的压缩比率。
- The compression ratio for bytes being received. 接收的字节的压缩率。
- The compression ratio for bytes being transmitted. 传输的字节的压缩率。
- In order to raise compress ratio while accelerating encoding process,an algorithm combining fast convolution with quadtree partitioning based on neighbor search is adopted. 为了在加速编码过程的同时提高压缩比,将快速卷积算法与基于四叉树分割的邻域搜索算法相结合。
- It has many advantages such as high flow coefficient, Electric control accurate fuel supply, Compress Ratio and thermal efficiency, so it could obtain higher power, better fuel economy and emission. 它具有高充气效率、电子控制精确配油、提高发动机的压缩比和热效率等优点,以获得更高的功率、更经济的油耗、更清洁的排放。
- The wind field prognostication is on the basis of a non-hydrostatic equilibrium, full compressible dynamics model, in which the initial wind field is provided by di... 风场预报,以质量守恒的风场诊断模式提供的三维风场为初始场,采用非静力平衡、完全可压缩的大气动力学模式。
- It explains the theory that higher octane number gasoline is demanded with engine's compression ratio increasing. 阐述了随着压缩比的提高,发动机所需汽油的辛烷值也随之提升的原理。
- It will be seen that the higher the compression ratio, the higher the efficiency. 可知压缩比愈大效率愈高。
- Number of bytes input after compression. This number compared with the Total Bytes input is the compression ratio. 在压缩后输入的字节数。这个数字与所有输入字符的比为压缩比率。
- Total number of bytes after compression. This number compared with the total bytes is the compression ratio. 在压缩后字节的总数。这个数字与所有字符总数的比为压缩比率。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- Allowing a high compression ratio, direct fuel injection ensures maximum output of 327 kW (445 PS). 支持较高的压缩比,直接燃油喷射确保最大功率输出高达327 kw (445 PS)。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- The first JPEG has a compression ratio of 4:1 and the second JPEG has a compression ratio of about 8:1. 第一幅JPEG的压缩比是4:1,第二幅JPEG的压缩比是8:1。
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他发表了一篇充满陈词滥调的文章。