- The water lily in the pond is in full blossom now. 池塘里的睡莲正盛开着。
- The cherry trees are in full blossom. 樱花正在盛开。
- All the tulips in the garden are in full blossom. 花园里所有的郁金香都开放了。
- The peach tree is in full blossom. 桃花开得很旺盛。
- Peach trees are in full blossom. 桃花开得正旺。
- The lotus lilies in full blossom teem. 菡萏发荷花。
- The apple trees are in full blossom. 苹果树花盛开着。
- The oriental cherry is in full blossom. 樱花盛开。
- The cherry trees were in full blossom. 樱花正在盛开。
- April is the time of spring when azaleas on Mount Emei are in full blossom. 四月份,正是春光明媚的日子,更是峨眉山高山杜鹃盛开的好时节。
- When the flowers are in full blossom, let's edify our sentiment in the harmonious garden of interest. 花开的日子,让我们在和谐的兴趣乐园中陶冶情操;
- When the flowers are in full blossom, let's grow up healthily in the harmonious personal relationships. 花开的日子,让我们在和谐的人际关系中健康地成长。
- The flowers in the park are in full blossom, vying for attention as if they were in competition. 公园里的花卉,竞相开放,争奇斗艳。
- Many new paintings are shown on the exhibition, and each has its own style. They are just like a hundred flowers in full blossom. 展览会上展出了许多美术新作品,这些作品各具风格,真是百花齐放。
- Many new painting are shown on the exhibition, and each has its own style.They are just like a hundred flowers in full blossom. 展览会展出了许多美术新作品,这些作品各具风格,真是百花齐放。
- Yesterday, Hangzhou said goodbye to the long lasting rainy days, and Scenic Lingfeng is decorated rosily by plum flowers in full blossom. 昨天,杭城告别了连续几天的阴雨天气,灵峰景区被盛开的梅花装点得姹紫嫣红。
- A few magnolias, in the clearing before the front door, were in full blossom, and their white flowers gave out a heady fragrance. 门前土地上几株玉兰正开出满树的白花,一阵香气往人的鼻端送来。
- The cherry trees of the garden are in full blossoms now. 花园里的樱树现在正盛开着花。
- Before he knew it, he found himself in a large garden where the apple trees were in full blossom and long branches of lilacs overhung the shores of the lake. 不知不觉中,他发觉自己已置身在一座巨大的花园里,花园里的苹果树开满了花,紫丁香长长的枝桠垂挂在湖岸边。
- Leading me through the grove of camellias in full blossom by the lake, he told me the names of the different varieties: Large Cornelian, Snowy Lion' s Head,Butterfly Wing, Purple Gown... 翠湖的茶花多,开得也好,红彤彤的一大片,简直就是那一段彩云落到湖岸上。 普之仁领我穿着茶花走,指点着告诉我这叫大玛瑙,那叫雪狮子;