- full address jump 全地址转移
- For your convenience, please fill with full address to ensure the certificates to be properly mailed to your company. 为了您的方便,请认真填写完整地址以便证书准确地寄送。
- Good. Could you please fill in this booking form. We need your full address and a deposit of 20 percent. You can pay by cash or credit card or cheque. 好的。请您填一下这张预定单。请填您的详细地址并交付20%25的定金。您可以用现金、信用卡或是支票支付。
- For TTR application, the usual place of business must be provided.Please fill in the full address as shown on the Business Registration Certificate. 织商登记,申请人必须提供一个通常办公地点,请按照商业登记证上的登记地址填写。
- Good. Could you please fill in this booking form. We need your full address and a deposit of20 percent. You can pay by cash or credit card or cheque. 好的。请您填一下这张预定单。请填您的详细地址并交付20%25定金。您可以用现金、用卡或是支票支付。
- Letters must be written on company letterhead and show the company's full address, telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with the company's official seal. 因为看过论坛里几个筒子的提交材料清单里好像一般是主申请的,没有副申请的啊。
- Please give the manes and full address of schools, colleges, universities or organizations attended including full or part time course, apprenticeship. etc. (请填写曾就读的学校、学院、大学或训练机构,包括全日制/部份时间制课程或学徙训练。
- Could you please let us know your full telephone number( including the international and area dialling code) and full address where you live (city, street, house number, post code etc.)? 请告知我们你的完整的电话号码(包括国际区号和地区区号)和你的完整住址(城市街道门牌号,邮编)
- MANUFACTURER Name and Full Address 生产商名称和地址
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- The irate animal made for us,coming at a full jump. 那头发怒的动物以最快的速度向我们冲过来。
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他发表了一篇充满陈词滥调的文章。
- A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。
- The cyclist went at full sail along the track. 自行车手沿着跑道全速前进。
- A full requital of his striving pain. 这是对他艰苦努力的圆满回报。
- He is a full back of our football team. 他是我们足球队中的后卫。
- The horse was coming at a full jump. 那匹马迅速地奔过来了。