- The worker fixed a bracket on the wall. 工人在墙上固定了一个支架。
- fulcrum bracket 杠杆台座
- Their incomes are brought into a higher bracket. 他们的收入已进入一个较高的等级段。
- This book is written for the 10-to-11 age bracket. 这本书是为十到十一岁年龄层的孩子写的。
- I think you should bracket this word. 我认为你应该给这个字加上括号。
- dead lever fulcrum bracket 固定杠杆支点托架
- A bracket may be used to hold up a shelf or a candle. 托架可用来支撑搁板或蜡烛。
- Do not bracket me with him just because we work for the same company. 别因为我们为同一个公司工作,就把我和他相提并论。
- Give me a fulcrum, I can pry to move the Earth! 给我一个支点,我能撬动地球!
- Become soon fork fulcrum stud bolt. 变速叉支点螺栓。
- Title: Glia: the fulcrum of brain diseases. 神经胶质:脑疾病的支架。
- Use E for effirt,F for fulcrum and L for load. 用字母“E”代表施力,字母“F”代表支点,字母“L”代表负荷。
- Givng me a fulcrum, I will raise the Earth . 给我一个支点,我便可以撬起地球。
- The girder is braced against an erection bracket. 梁支撑在塔柱上的一个施工托架上。
- Thanksgiving is an eternal fulcrum. 感恩更是一个永恒的支点。
- Give him a fulcrum,how can a person pry the earth? 给一个支点,如何撬动地球?
- A pair of chopsticks, must have a fulcrum. 一双筷子,必须有一个支点。
- "Give me a fulcrum, I can the entire planet. “给我一个支点,我可以撬起整个地球”。
- Which age bracket are you? (Please tick the box). 你是哪个年龄段?(请在方格中打钩。)