- She had seen the fruit of victory turn into an apple of Sodom. 她亲眼看到胜利的果实变成一场空欢喜。
- We had the bitter experience of seeing the fruits of victory fall into the hands of the warlords. 我们痛心地看到,胜利的果实落到了军阀手中。
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights----one of the fruits of victory in the World War II-- also belongs to the Chinese people. 《世界人权宣言》是二战胜利的果实之一,也是中国人民的胜利果实。
- The struggle during this transitional stage is to oppose Chiang Kai-shek's usurpation of the fruits of victory in the War of Resistance. 过渡阶段的斗争,就是反对蒋介石篡夺抗战胜利果实的斗争。
- Jul favorite one surgeon, in the kitchen with the powerful army of cockroaches to do life-and-death struggle of the brave, and harvest the fruits of victory in normal life. 喜爱七月一人操刀,在厨房与千军万马的蟑螂做殊死搏斗的勇敢,和收获胜利果实的生活常态。
- At present it takes the form of a struggle between Chiang Kai-shek who is trying to usurp the fruits of victory of the War of Resistance and ourselves who oppose his usurpation . 目前这个斗争表现为蒋介石要篡夺抗战胜利果实和我们反对他的篡夺的斗争。
- Now this stumbling-block is coming forward to monopolize the fruits of victory, wants China after victory to relapse into her old pre-war state and does not tolerate the slightest change. 现在这块绊脚石却要出来垄断胜利果实,要使抗战胜利后的中国仍然回到抗战前的老样子,不许有丝毫的改变。
- Most of the comrades who have resisted land reform, embezzled the fruits of victory, or been weighed down with "mountain-stronghold" mentality have remedied their mistakes through Party consolidation. 凡是经过整党的,不论抵抗土改,贪污胜利果实,或背着山头包袱的人,绝大部分都能挽救过来。
- We have defended the fruits of our victory. 我们保卫了我们的胜利果实。
- Most of the comrades who have resisted land reform,embezzled the fruits of victory,or been weighed down with "mountain-stronghold" mentality have remedied their mistakes through Party consolidation. 凡是经过整党的,不论抵抗土改,贪污胜利果实,或背着山头包袱的人,绝大部分都能挽救过来。
- Our chances of victory are very faint now. 现在我们取胜的机会已经微乎其微了。
- The big landlords and big bourgeoisie of China, represented by Chiang Kai-shek, wanted to wrest the fruits of victory in the War of Resistance from the hands of the people and to keep China a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country under their dictatorship. 以蒋介石为代表的中国大地主大资产阶级,要从人民手中夺取抗日战争胜利的果实,要使中国仍旧成为大地主大资产阶级专政的半殖民地半封建的国家。
- Reports of victory came in quick succession. 捷报频传。
- These are fruits of my own growth. 这些是我自己栽培的水果。
- We have thus defended the fruits of our victory. 就这样我们保卫了自己的胜利果实。
- The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle. 战士们唱起了歌颂他们英勇战斗的凯歌。
- The news of victory spread apace. 胜利的消息迅速传开。
- The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or pickled. 该植物的果实,可以生吃或腌制来食用。
- The news of victory kept us alive in excitement. 胜利的消息使我们兴奋。
- He had a sweet taste of victory. 他品尝过胜利的甘甜。