- Abscisic acid is a important regulator in fruit development. 在果实发育过程中,脱落酸是一种重要的调节因子。
- Anatomical Study on the Fruit Development of Actinidia kolmikta Maxim. 狗枣猕猴桃果实发育的解剖学观察。
- Fruitful development fire prevention security hundred days supervising fire prevention safety and security work. 卓有成效开展消防安全百日督查消防安全保卫工作。
- Objective The physiological and biochemical changes were studied during the Panax notoginseng's fruit development. 摘要目的对三七果实发育过程中的生理生化变化进行研究。
- Progress of the variations in nutritional components and influencing factors during the fruit development of Lycium barbarum L. 枸杞果实发育过程中营养成分的变化规律及其影响因素研究进展。
- The results showed: during nectarine fruit development, the equatorial diameter, polar diameter of fruit increased gradually, behaved double S curve. 结果表明:在聊城地区,油桃在果实发育过程中,果实纵、横径逐渐增大,并基本呈“双S”型曲线。
- The characteristics of translocation and distribution of 14C-assimilates in peach fruit development under protected culture were investigated. 摘要利用放射性同位素14C-示踪方法研究了设施桃树果实不同发育时期14C-同化物的运转分配特性。
- The AI activity decreased with fruit development at early stages, but increased when fruit ripening, resulted in hexoses being the dominant sugars. 但在果实发育后期,AI活力随果实成熟而急剧上升,这使果实最终以积累己糖为主。
- Putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) contents in the pericarp, seed and aril ofHuaizhi litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) were analysed during fruit development. 荔枝果实中多胺含量以亚精胺(Spd)最高,腐胺(Put)其次,精胺(Spm)最低,三者分别于花后7 d和28 d各出现1个高峰。
- The results showed that the sugar contents and invertase activities under bagged conditions had almost the same changes as those of control during fruit development. 结果表明:套袋果实在发育过程中蔗糖、葡萄糖、果糖含量和转化酶活性变化趋势与对照基本一致。
- The results shoed that bagging could change the microenvironment of fruit development, promote fruit maturing in advance, and improve fruit mass and quality. 结果表明:套袋可改变番茄果实发育的微环境,促进果实发育,使果实提早成熟,增加单果质量。
- Abstract: Sugar accumulation and the changes of activities of sugar-metabolizing enzymes in the flesh of Longyou Pomelo were studied during the fruit development. 摘 要:本文探讨龙柚果实发育过程中果肉糖积累与蔗糖代谢相关酶活性的变化。
- In order to develop better insights into these problems, flower and fruit development was studied with the methods of paraffine section and scan electron microscope (SEM). 为了深入研究这些问题,本文运用石蜡切片和扫描电镜技术研究了广佛手Citrus medica L.;var
- Liu J F, Zhang H Y, Peng S A.Changes of calcium in flesh, seeds and pectin content during pear fruit development[J].Acta Horticulture Sinica, 2003, 30(6): 709-711. [1]刘剑锋;张红艳;彭抒昂.;梨果实发育中果肉及种子钙和果胶含量的变化[J]
- Auxins also play a role in cell division and differentiation, fruit development, the formation of roots from cuttings, the inhibition of lateral branching, and leaf fall. 在细胞分裂和分化、果实发育、插条时根的形成和落叶过程中也发挥了作用。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- As Mead wrote later of the Macy Conferences, "Out of the deliberations of this (cybernetics) group came a whole series of fruitful developments of a very high order. 就象米德在梅西会议后写的:“控制论群体没有考虑到的是,一系列具有很高秩序的卓有成效的新发明陆续问世。”
- The effects varied with the methods of GA 3 application during fruits development in Chinese Date. 为探明外源GA3 对枣树1 4 C -光合产物向果实分配的影响 ,应用1 4 C示踪技术 ,就GA3 的作用机理进行了研究。
- The apple tree is seldom fruitful. 这棵苹果树很少结果。
- The relative content of volatiles showed a great difference during the fruit developmental period. 巴厘菠萝在果实发育不同阶段,各香气成分的相对含量变化较大。