- frozen egg pulp 冰全蛋
- Mom freezes eggs so daughter can have chi. 母亲冷冻卵子为女儿将来使用。
- The butcher chopped off a rib of frozen pork. 屠夫砍下一块冻肉的肋条。
- The snow has frozen hard on the road. 路上的雪已经冻得很硬了。
- He is such a good egg that everyone liked him. 他是一个大好人,个个都喜欢他。
- The seedling was frozen to death. 幼苗被冻死了。
- I usually have a boil egg and a cup of coffee. 我通常吃一个煮鸡蛋,喝一杯咖啡。
- Do you want a boiled egg for breakfast? 你早饭要吃煮鸡蛋吗?
- These frozen foods are the most convenient of all. 这些冷冻食品是最为方便。
- The egg nestled in the long grass. 蛋隐藏在高草中。
- The victim's face was battered to a pulp. 受害者的脸打得血肉模糊。
- The clothes were frozen on the washing-line. 衣服在晾衣绳上冻住了。
- The frozen snow crunched under our feet. 冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响。
- He laid an egg as a folk-song singer. 他唱民歌,不受听众欢迎。
- She buy a dozen of egg in the market. 她在市场上买了一打鸡蛋。
- A banana is mainly pulp, except for its skin. 香蕉除了果皮之外,主要是果肉。
- The window has frozen up and I can't open it. 窗户给冻上了,我打不开。
- Scoop out the pulp and serve it with sugar. 把果肉挖出来和糖一起食用。
- Chocolate egg is traditionally eat on Easter day. 人们按传统吃巧克力彩蛋庆祝复活节。
- Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day. 有些低级杂志的作家每天粗制滥造地写出两三篇短篇小说。