- frontal tubercle 额结节
- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的
- Full frontal anarchy is his cry. 他鼓吹的是不折不扣的无政府主义。
- Lozenge face frontal bone two side are narrower, zygomatic wider, cheekbone tubercle is outstanding, mandible bone caves, leave mental tip and grow. 菱形脸 额骨两侧较窄,颧骨较宽,颧结节突出,下颌骨凹陷,下颏尖而长。
- Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone. 前额与前额或额骨有关的或额骨的
- Of or relating to the frontal plane. 正面的正面图的或与正面图有关的
- A rounded projection or swelling;a tubercle. 结节圆形突起或肿胀部分;结节
- An ornamental border for a frontal. 额前饰带带有装饰性边的额前饰物
- A rounded projection or swelling; a tubercle. 结节圆形突起或肿胀部分;结节
- The enemy made a frontal attack on our troops. 敌人对我们的部队发动了一次正面的进攻。
- Soft frontal lighting smooths over form. 软正面照明平滑的形式。
- Weather fronts are bound up with a frontal cyclone. 天气的锋面和锋面气旋密切相关。
- Surgical treatment of 21 cases with pleura tubercle tumour. 21例胸膜结核瘤的外科治疗。
- Sally now resolved to brace up and risk a frontal attack. 于是萨利决定鼓足勇气,冒险正面进攻。
- After days of inactivity, the enemy finally showed its teeth by a frontal attack on our position. 几天没动静之后,敌人终于龇牙咧嘴地向我们的阵地发动了正面的进攻。
- The battle plan for the frontal assault had been completed. 就在正面进攻的作战方案已经准备就绪。
- The point in the skull where the nasal and frontal bones unite. 鼻根点头盖骨中鼻骨和前额骨相连接的那点
- They launched a frontal attack on company directors. 他们向公司董事发起了正面攻击。
- Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence. 无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。
- "A glass door?What do you expect us to do with a glass door, tubercle? “一扇玻璃门,你那玻璃门顶什么用啊,小土豆儿?”