- He exercises everyday in pursuit of health. 他为了健康而每天锻炼。
- We work hard in pursuit of happy life. 我们为追求幸福生活而努力工作。
- His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure. 他一生都在寻欢作乐。
- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的
- He wasted his life in the vain pursuit of pleasure. 他为了追求享乐而白白虚度了一生。
- Fishing is his favorite pursuit. 钓鱼是他最喜欢的消遣。
- He is engaged in scientific pursuit. 他从事科学研究。
- He was captured without much pursuit. 没有经过多少追捕就把他捉住了。
- A life of ease is a difficult pursuit. 优悠自在的生活,是一个难以追求的东西。
- frontal pursuit 正面追击
- A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation. 职业经过选择的职业; 需要专门知识或特殊训练的职业或工作
- Indulgence in or pursuit of sexual activity. 纵欲; 追求肉欲对性行为的放纵或追求
- The pursuit of profit was the main reason for the changes. 作出这些改变主要是为了追求利润。
- Intemperate in the pursuit of pleasure; dissolute. 放荡的,浪荡的无节制地追寻欢乐; 浪荡的
- Full frontal anarchy is his cry. 他鼓吹的是不折不扣的无政府主义。
- Of or relating to the forehead or frontal bone. 前额与前额或额骨有关的或额骨的
- Of or relating to the frontal plane. 正面的正面图的或与正面图有关的
- An ornamental border for a frontal. 额前饰带带有装饰性边的额前饰物
- He is inflexible in pursuit of his own cause. 他执著地追求着自己的事业。
- The enemy made a frontal attack on our troops. 敌人对我们的部队发动了一次正面的进攻。