- I had to get into the front rank. 我必须挤进前列。
- This painter is not in the front rank. 这位画家并非第一流。
- This famous university is in the front rank of the institutes. 在所有学院中这所大学是第一流的。
- Britain is no longer in the front rank of world powers. 英国再也不是位于前列的世界强国。
- You were always in the front rank, and I was always behind. 你时常是在前列,而我总是在后列的。
- In the province of modern literature, his woks is in the front rank. 在当代文学领域中,他的作品赫赫有名。
- CBC-Companies,one of the financial service companies in the front rank in the United States,was established in 1948. 美国CBC集团公司成立于1948年,为美国闻名的金融服务公司之一。
- Its operation shows that Jiaxing stands in the front rank in Zhejiang in the capability and technology of power grid construction. 该工程的投产,标志着嘉兴在电网建设的自建能力、科技含量等方面均位居全省前列。
- Two years ago Mr Profumo made his biggest strike when UniCredit acquired Germany's HVB, placing it firmly in Europe's front rank. 两年前,普罗富莫先生收购德国裕宝银行是他最大的手笔,这使得联合信贷稳稳站在了欧洲银行的前列。
- UB is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities and stands in the front rank among the nation’s research-intensive public universities. UB是美国大学协会成员,在全美公立研究性大学排行中名列前茅。
- Nanyang Stone Relieves (NSR),whose composition compendious, language modesty, artistic conception far-reaching,motif romantic. Because it's forceful , bold and unconstrained form are in the front rank. 南阳汉画像石构图疏朗、语言质朴、意境深远、主题浪漫,以其泼辣、豪放而自成风格。
- At that time China's GNP will place it in the front ranks of countries. 从总量说,就居于世界前列了。
- When a general, unable to estimate the enemy's strength, allows an inferior force to engage a larger one, or hurls a weak detachment against a powerful one, and neglects to place picked soldiers in the front rank, the result must be rout. 将不能料敌,以少合众,以弱击强,兵无选锋,曰北。
- "Creation" is the soul of Catic Decoration. The company bravely carries out system creation, technical creation and operational creation, and marches at the front rank of industry all the time. “创新”是中航装饰的灵魂。中航装饰大胆实施体制创新、技术创新和经营创新,始终走在行业的前列。
- The number of tourists,especially domestic tourists, and the touristic income have come to the front rank of the national scenic spots.It has become a new economic growth point of Nanjing's GNP. 本文将国内旅游客源市场作为研究对象,运用定量和定性相结合的国内旅游客源市场的研究方法,以南京钟山风景区为例案进行了专项研究。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- I drove up in front of the house and honked. 我将车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。
- I put her in the top rank of modern novelists. 我把她看做是当代第一流的小说家。
- The rank and file do not like the decision. 工会普通会员不喜欢这个决定。
- China has mounted the stage of world sport in all its sectors and joined the front ranks of sports internationally. 中国已全面登上世界体育舞台,运动技术水平位居世界前列。