- front wing extension panel 前翼板延伸板
- And there also was a concavity in his car's front wing (fender). 而且,他的前挡板上还凹陷了好大一块撞痕。
- JB: Well, it was working with the diff (differential), the TC (traction control), the tyre pressures, the front wing. 简森-巴顿:这是同差速齿轮、牵引力控制、胎压和前翼一起运转的。
- The car will have an improved aero package featuring a new engine cover and front wing, plus a more powerful engine. 赛车改进版的空气动力学套件的特点在于一个新的引擎盖和前翼,外加马力更加强劲的引擎。
- People have been talking about understeer here; what difference has that front wing made? 问:人们在这里一直都在说转向不足。前翼产生了什么样的不同?
- Christijan Albers made four pit calls altogether, retiring in the last one with a front wing problem. 克里斯蒂安-阿尔伯斯总共进行了四次停站,并在最后一次停站中因为前定风翼问题而退出了比赛。
- First-lap pitstops for a replacement nosecone and front wing assembly are therefore a frequent sight. 所以首圈跑完就进站换前鼻翼的现象比比皆是。
- During the duel with Alonso I touched his wheel with my front wing and damaged it, loosing downforce. 在与阿隆索的争斗中我的前翼碰到了他的轮胎,导致了前翼损坏,下压力不稳定。
- Your teams signed a document asking the FIA to check the Ferrari front wing and Ferrari has a new front wing here. 你们的车队都签署了要求国际汽联检查法拉利前翼的文件,现在法拉利在这里有了新的前翼。
- On top of that, after Kubicas accident, a piece of debris gotstuck in my front wing and I had so much understeer and somedifficulties with the brakes. 最主要的是,库比卡的那次事故之后,一块赛车碎片卡在我车的前鼻翼,造成车子转向不足,刹车遇到了一些麻烦。
- With our old front wing, we would have been in quite a bit of a worse position here, but it (the new wing) works very well here, so it's perfect. 如果是我们的旧前翼,我们在这里就可能会拿到一个糟糕一点的位置,但新的车翼却在这里表现非常不错,所以是完美的。
- We had some vibration and we lost some part of the front wing and the car started to understeer very badly and it wasn't very quick any more. 我们有一些震动,失去了前翼的一些部分。赛车开始转向不足得厉害,赛车速度不再那么快了。
- The car was not quick because I was understeering all the time and then at the safety car, we had enough time to change the front wing. 赛车不是很快,因为我一直转向不足。接着,在安全车的带领下,我们有了足够的时间去更换前翼。
- Idid not have much grip at the start, being on the dirty side of thetrack and immediately after, I hit Felipes car with my front wing. 我在赛道比较脏的一边起步,我的车没有足够的抓地力;紧接着我的车的前鼻翼撞到了马萨的车。
- He then hit Fernando Alonso, damaging his front wing, which made his car hard to drive until he pitted for the first time to replace it. 接着他又撞到了阿隆索,撞坏了自己的前定风翼。这也导致他的赛车变得很难驾驶,而损坏的前定风翼一直到他第一次进站才得以跟换。
- It wasn't a big impact because I barely felt it in the cockpit, but it was enough to dislodge my front wing and necessitate another pit-stop the following lap. 撞击其实不大,因为我在座舱里没什么感觉。不过却还是撞掉了我的前翼,于是我不得不在下一圈进站更换。
- That generated serious understeer which really hurt his progress, and it wasn't until he had the front wing replaced in his final stop on lap 34 that the balance was restored. 这造成了严重的转向不足,从而确实影响到了他的进步。直到第34圈他在最后一次进站之后更换了前翼,平衡才恢复了过来。
- "With the front wing an adjustable mechanism is acceptable, because if it breaks then the driver simply gets understeer," the Swiss told Germany's Auto Motor und Sport. "随着前翼可调节机制是可以接受的,因为如果司机休息,然后仅仅得到不足“瑞士向德国汽车与运动.
- A simple front wing, no bodywork around the front wheels, survival cell, sidepods, no bodywork around the rear wheels, and rear wing, as well as slick tyres. Should be good. 一个简单的前翼,在前轮、座舱、侧箱以及后轮附近没什么突出的东西,以及尾翼和光头胎,应该不错。
- Male crickets make a chirping noise by rubbing their front wings together. 雄蟋蟀以前翼相互摩擦而发出啁啾之声。