- The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear. 敌军从背後受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。
- The vanguard is cut off from the rear. 首尾不能相顾。
- The rear part of a stage,away from the audience. 舞台后部,远离观众。
- They surprised the enemy from the rear. 他们从背后向敌人发动了袭击。
- We attacked the enemy from the rear. 我们从後方袭击敌人。
- Separate the reflector from the rear bumper . 从保险杆分离反射镜。
- Try to hit such units from the rear or the sides. 对付这样的坦克试着从它的后部或侧翼攻击它。
- Please prepare to get off from the rear door. 请您准备从前后门下车。
- He who hesitates gets bumped from the rear. 迟疑不决者会从后面挨撞。
- They surprised the enemy from the rear . 他们从背后向敌人发动了袭击。
- The rear part of a stage, away from the audience. 舞台后部(远离观众)
- Hocks are parallel when viewed from the rear. 从后面看跗骨平行。
- General Liu has troops waiting to fall on the enemy from the rear. 刘司令员已经派部队等着从后面袭击敌人。
- The guerrillas fell on the enemy from the rear and routed them. 游击队从后方袭击敌人,打得敌人溃败而逃。
- Separate the rear universal joint from the transfer case yoke. 从传动箱轴轭上拆下后万向节。
- Their strategy of attacking from the rear proved to be successful. 事实证明,他们从后面进攻敌人的策略是成功的。
- From the rear he looked like an animal fashioning its nest. 从背后看去,他就象一头野兽在那里做窝。
- The 727 overtook and struck the Cessna from the rear. 波音727追上并从后面撞击了了塞斯纳。
- But suddenly a voice from the rear sked, "Who is the printer? 突然从后排传出声音问道:“谁是印刷工呀?”
- Viewed from the rear, a Boxer's rump should not roll. 从后面观察,拳师的臀部不应该滚动。