- from matter to consciousness 从物质到精神
- Does it matter to you what people say? 人们说什么对你重要吗?
- It doesn't matter to me what you do. 你做什么都跟我毫无关系。
- She vowed that she would take the matter to court. 她郑重宣布要把这事诉诸法律。
- It is too serious a matter to be taken lightly. 这件事十分重要,不可掉以轻心。
- You should bring the matter to his knowledge. 你应该将这件事告诉他。
- Comrade Yu will explain the matter to you. 余同志会给你们说明这件事的。
- You could defer the matter to your colleague. 你可把这件事委托给同事去办。
- It was some time before he came to consciousness. 过些时他才恢复知觉。
- An example is the emission of light from matter. 物质的发光即为一例。
- The pull of gravitation causes matter to have weight. 万有引力的吸引使物质具有重量。
- Karma is memory coming to consciousness again. 业也会出现在显意识中。
- The experiment then transferred the quantum state of the atoms, their qubit, onto a photon, constituting information transfer from matter to light and showing how a quantum memory might output a bit. 实验里还将原子的量子态(量子位元)传送给一个光子,这种将讯息由物质传送给光的资讯传送方式,显示了量子记忆体如何输出一个位元。
- I forgive my own body level consciousness for desiring to rise up the dimensions and separate spirit from matter. 我原谅我自己身体层面意识渴望攀升到高维度并将精神与物质分离开来的行为。
- They said they had an important matter to discuss with you. 他们说有要事与你相商。
- It do not matter to me whether you miss the train not. 你赶不赶得不火车对我并不重要。
- Formed from matter deposited by water,as certain sedimentary rocks. 水成岩由水中沉淀的物质形成的,如某种沉积岩
- Nothing else matters to him apart from his job. 对他来说,除了工作以外,什么事都无关紧要。
- As the universe is the body of the mind, so is consciousness the body of the supreme. It is not conscious, but it gives rise to consciousness. 正如宇宙是心识的体现,意识也是至上的体现。它本身并没有意识,但却诞生意识。
- She vow that she will take the matter to court. 她郑重宣布要把这事诉诸法律。