- from fee to tax 费改税
- On Aims and Considerations of the "Fee to Tax" "费改税"的目标及思路
- As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary. 至于税款,将从你薪水中扣除。
- There is no entrance fee to the gallery. 这个美术陈列馆不收门票。
- Is there any fee to upgrade the plan I'm on? 升级当前的计划需另付设置费吗?
- Visa fee to be remitted in cash. 请以现金支付签证费。
- It is unfair to tax rich and poor equally. 让富人和穷人同等地交税是不公平的。
- There is no fee to visit the Smithsonian museums. 去史密森尼博物馆参观不需要付费。
- Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. 烟草是税收丰盈的商品。
- An experiment was carried out using dairy ewes to study the transfer of a.atoxin B1 (AFB1) from feed to milk and from milk to cheese. 不是吧.;这样你的翻译你也能给我
- Are you going to tax him with neglect of duty? 你要指控他玩忽职守吗?
- Fair and Efficiency Rate in the Rural Reform from Fee to Taxi 农村税费改革中的公平与效率问题
- His declared aim was to tax the rich. 他宣布他的目的是向富人征税。
- How much to tax firms and households, and. 向企业和家庭征多少税;。
- How to Tax the Goods Regarded as a Gift? 外购货物无偿赠送他人应如何纳税?
- No profits chargeable to tax includes a loss case. 没有应课税利润包括营业亏损。
- Escape from fee and empty account phenomenon aggravate the difficulty of the pension insurance further. 逃费和空账现象又进一步加剧了养老保险的困难。
- Is the home leave fare subject to tax? 探亲费免税吗?
- The amount of gain reportable and subject to tax. 值得申报的应纳税收益总额。
- First, there is the question of what to tax. 第一个问题,就是政府到底该课哪种税?