- from Popularization to Deepen 可持续发展
- So it was an opportunity to deepen my character. 因此,现在是个机会来更深的刻画我的角色。)
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- There were plans to deepen a stretch of the river. 曾经有过加深一段河道的计划。
- To deepen reform is the most urgent task. 我们当务之争是要深化改革。
- It's popular to care about the quality of our life. 现在热门越来越关心生活的质量。
- We have made up our minds to deepen the reform. 我们决心深化改革。
- It Was popular to do hula hoop in those days. 那时流行转呼拉圈。
- He laughed and that seemed to deepen his voice. 他大笑起来,那笑声使得他的嗓音更深沉了。
- This book is very popular to youngs. 这本书很受年轻人的欢迎.
- We have to deepen, the well if we want more water. 想获得更多的水,我们必须把井加深。
- Continue to deepen cultural restructuring. (六)继续深化文化体制改革。
- On the Shift of Li Shen's Poetic Style from Popularization to Elegancy 李绅诗早期的通俗化倾向与后期诗风的雅化
- Two bitter ironies serve to deepen the gloom. 两个辛辣的讽刺加深了这种暗淡。
- Do such ability prevent eyesight to deepen? 这样才能防止视力加深?
- Different from popular thoughts , colds are not caused by bad weather. 不同于普通的想法,感冒不是由坏天气引起的,
- As soon as thought begins to deepen it reaches death. 思想只要一开始消沉,思想首先就会达到死亡。
- It seems that hip-hop music is ubiquitous these days, from popular radio to TV commercials. 现在,从大众广播到电视广告,嘻哈音乐似乎无所不在。
- But 2014, they say, will be different, as politicians emerge from the new DPR or from popular regional or local government. 但到2014年,随着新的DPR或者其他地区或当地政府的政客出现,他们认为这个情况会有所不同。
- It is not popular to give each other expensive things as presents. 一般不互赠昂贵的礼品。