- Hogan: What? Friendly competition? Competition is never friendly. 什么?友谊比赛?比赛不可能友好。
- It's a friendly competition. 这是一场友谊赛。
- Lindsay: Hogan, I think you should step up for some friendly competition. 我想你应该参加一些友谊比赛。
- Some instructors throw in a little friendly competition, dividing the class into teams, just to spice things up. 一些辅导员投掷在一点友好的竞争中,划分类成队,加香料事。
- My preference is that we (should) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition. 我喜欢向别的组挑战, 来一个友谊竞赛。
- Alina made her comeback at an Italy-Russia friendly competition in Genoa, 10 September, 2005. 艾琳娜在2005年10月于热那亚举行的意大利-俄罗斯游戏赛中复出。
- Afterward, the honored guest and schoolmates carry on a pingpong friendly competition. 之后,嘉宾和同学们进行一场乒乓球友谊比赛。
- Fixed a problem when a friendly competition is edited after teams reject invitations. New teams picked using the "Choose Other." Option are now added correctly to the proposal. 修正了友谊赛邀请被拒绝后再选择的问题。选择新球队“选择其他。”选项已经根据提议被正确的加进去了。
- I made an implementation, which was quite a lot faster than Fredrik's and this started a friendly competition to make the fastest portable C implementation of memcpy(). 接着我实现一个比Fredrik更快的memcpy,于是为打造最快的,可移植的memcpyC实现,我们开始了友好的竞赛。
- Fixed a problem when a friendly competition is edited after teams reject invitations. New teams picked using the "Choose Other.." option are now added correctly to the proposal. 修正了友谊赛邀请被拒绝后再选择的问题。选择新球队“选择其他.
- However, their friendly competition evolves into a bitter rivalry making them fierce enemies-for-life and consequently jeopardizing the lives of everyone around them. 他们的积怨愈深,魔法比并愈加诡异危险,在科学天才尼高利泰沙(大卫宝儿饰)的推波助澜下,两人的决斗更达到白热化,甚至危害身边的人。
- Their relationship was initially one of friendly competition, seeing who could pull the fastest Kessel Run, or who could cut the better deal from the tight-fisted 'Nessies. 他们的关系最初只是友好竞争,比试谁能更快地飞完科塞尔小道(KesselRun),或是谁能从一毛不拔的尼斯人('Nessies)那里作成更好的买卖。
- It is a friendly competition. 这是一场友谊赛。
- Second, games usually involve friendly competition and they keep learners interested. These create the motivation for learners of English to get involved and participate actively in the learning activities. 通常带有竞争性的活动有利于保持学生的学习兴趣,同时能激发学生积极参与学习活动的动机。
- Ferris wheels, carousels, and friendly competitions such as the wheelbarrow race, pie-eating contest, and greased pig race are some things you might find at a fair. 您可以在展览会上发现摩天轮、旋转木马和种种友好竞赛,如手推车比赛、吃派竞赛及抓猪比赛。
- The meeting is gone on in very friendly atmosphere. 会议在非常友好的气氛中进行。
- He's a friendly chatty sort of person. 他这个人挺和善,很爱讲话。
- Our neighbourhood police are very friendly. 我们邻近的警察非常友善。
- Some Indians are friendly to us. 有些印第安人对我们很友好。