- A friend of the man being tried in court tampered with a witness. 受审人的一个朋友收买一证人在法庭作伪证。
- It has beyond the competence of the court. 它已经超出法院的权限。
- He had his head down as he walked out of the court. 他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋。
- The case fall within the competence of the court. 该案在这个法院的管辖权范围内。
- Although the Swiss government is not directly involved, Bern is represented as a “friend of the court”. 瑞士政府虽没有直接参与本案,却被描述为“法庭之友”。
- He got a free ticket to the play by masquerading as a friend of the actors. 他冒充是演员的一位朋友,得到一张免费票看这出戏。
- The court is not legally justified in stopping at the threshold of the case. 一开始就使案件停止不前,法院这样做是完全不合法的。
- All the accused can now do is to throw himself on the mercy of the court. 被告现在能做的只有请求法院的宽大处理了。
- That rich lady is a friend of the arts. 那位富婆是艺术的赞助者。
- The unfair and hasty decision of the court made a mockery of the trial. 法院匆促做出的不公正裁决使这次审判形同儿戏。
- He proved a reliable friend of the Chinese people. 事实证明,他是中国人民的可靠朋友。
- She aped the fashions of the court ladies. 她仿效宫女的样子。
- The owner of the cafe is a college friend of mine. 哪个咖啡厅的老板(拥有者)是我的一位大学同学。
- The owner was a very good friend of the miller. 屋主是磨坊主人非常要好的朋友。
- He defied the order of the court. 他蔑视法庭的命令。
- The sentence of the court was quashed on appeal. 经过上诉,法院的判决被宣布无效。
- The court has taken custody of the battered child. 法院已负起保护受虐待的孩子之责。
- A friend of his, a repairman who knew the condition of the car, kept urging him to trade his old car for a new model. 他的一个朋友,一个了解这辆汽车情况的修理工,劝他把那辆旧车作价再补些钱买辆新型的。
- The powers of the courts are defined by law. 法庭的权力是由法律规定的。
- The case fall within the jurisdiction of the court. 该案属这个法院管辖。